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Joel bit his lip as he waited quietly for his wife to pick up the phone.

"Come on, Mo,"he mumbled.

Finally, she answered.

"Joel, hey. Brent, stop kissing me!"

Then, sudden silence as Moriah realized what she'd said.

"Joel, I-"

"I already know. Jesi told me, along with evidence and support. She's also doing what she can to make sure Mila doesn't find out. No need to hurt the poor girl. You're in love with Brent Gillian,, what can I do, you don't love me."


"Let's just pretend to like each other for the sake of the kids and fans. You live your life and I live mine."


Joel hung up, then sighed.

What had life come to? 

Love In The Dark•Joriah ✓Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat