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Listen to the song! It makes Eliza's part 2000% sadder. 

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She wanted to scream.

It was torture, her mind repeating the ordeal over and over again. And if it wasn't that, it was an eerie variation, such as the nightmare where a dozen blondes set on fire like she was Joan of Arc. But far less brave.

She wanted to flee from her body. It felt like she was trapped inside her skin with no escape, her lungs seemed to be filling up with water, cutting off any air. She felt claustrophobic in her own skin, in her own self.

She started to pant, as if she was choking. She couldn't breathe.

Just like when it happened.

It was sweet relief when she finally passed out, nothing in her mind except black. Heaven.

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Tomorrow I'll tell her, Aaron decided, looking into the dark. It was late night, but he was to excited-and nervous-to sleep.

Will she say yes? Or no? She likes me, right?


"Aaron, you okay?"Daniell asked.

"Uh, yeah."

"Then what's with all the moving?"

"Uh, nothing. Sorry."

"You're fine. I was just wondering because I did that the night before I proposed to Gabby."

"Oh." Oh boy. "Well, I'm not planning on proposing to anyone." Yet.

"That's good."

Calm down Aaron, he ordered himself. Don't ruin it. 

Love In The Dark•Joriah ✓Where stories live. Discover now