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This book is so close to finishing, which I guess is a kind of spoilers, but whatever. 



"What?"he replied, his voice seeping with annoyance.

"Mila committed suicide."

The remaining events of the tour were cancelled. Joel, Eliza, Aaron, and all for KING & COUNTRY members went home for the funeral. The Dixons did, as well. In between the grief, they tried to figure out why Aaron and Darcy Angela stopped being friends. Aaron and Darcy offered no clues. Eliza played confused.

Moriah and Summer wept a great deal, while Joel, ELiza, and Aaron were frozen. Chipper Harry, sensing their anguish, spent most of his time curled up with Eliza or Joel, while Meriweather kept Aaron comfort. Adelina tried to distract Moriah, to no avail.

They tried to figure out why Mila killed herself. She has friends, wasn't bullied, was supposedly doing alright.

Some people suggested a traumatic event, undiagnosed depression, problems like that.

They had nothing to work with. No sucide notes, journals, nada. No clues offering a glimpse into why Mila hung herself that Tuesday night. 

Love In The Dark•Joriah ✓Where stories live. Discover now