Chapter 7

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Happy Halloween!!

Chapter 7

The monster in the mirror is me


For the last few weeks I've been swamped between my practices, classes, games, my own study time and making time to tutor Riley. I haven't had five minutes to myself. I like keeping busy, I like not having a lot of down time. It keeps my mind going, it keeps me moving forward and not stalling backwards and thinking too hard, or not thinking at all. That's when I end up getting in trouble. Although I've been learning some things about myself that I don't think I like.

I don't think I ever realized just how much of a jerk I can be. Girls are pissed at me and I haven't done a damn thing to deserve it. Since I rescued Riley I haven't so much as looked at another girl. No flirting, no touching and no sex. But I'm the one who's in trouble. WTF!?!

These girls are crazy. They flirt and make offers for sex, they tease and rub me up. There's invitations to parties that normally I'd go to but I'm turning all of them down, I'm turning down girls in general. And they're pissed at me.

I've even explained that I have a girlfriend. Granted I wasn't the best about this before but I'm trying. They know about Leighton when they proposition me but they don't care. Then when I flat out say no, I'm the bad guy. Telling me that I didn't have a problem before, nothing has changed.

But it has changed, I've changed. Why?....

I don't know...yes I do, I can name the change in one word. Riley. I'm trying to be a better person because of her. I want to be free to go out with her. I want to know Leighton is the past, and Riley is my present. I don't want to be an escort service anymore, I want to be a man.

Leighton has been calling more and more lately. I've got a bye week next weekend and she wants me to come out to see her. I know why, there's a Broadway premiere she wants to go to that's opening. Here we go with her damn escort service again.

If I don't go, she'll just keep this up. I don't need this shit!

It's not that I haven't tried to end things. I have, several times. Leighton doesn't give me a chance to get the words out. Then she calls knowing I'm at practice or in class or with Riley and leaves me a damn message about me coming out and that my parents are planning to join us.

She's calling them now!

So I'm working on my strategy to finish this. I'm ending the relationship that isn't a relationship at all. I'm cutting ties on this stupid trip I'm being forced to take. I'll do the red carpet, give her a last night out and break it off when I take her home. I'll explain it to my parents before we go, I'll make sure everyone understands the situation and I'll end things.

Tonight though, it's Halloween. I promised the team I'd be here. We've got a big party planned for the house. A social obligation I've been neglecting the last couple weeks because I've been tutoring Riley. Not as much tutoring as getting to know her. The more I seem to know this girl, the more I like her. The more I like her, the more nervous I get. The more I think I'm going to screw this up.

So I've tried to keep myself as far from trouble as I can.

The guys have had their parties while I've been out meeting Riley at the library or the offices or at a restaurant off campus. Anywhere we can be alone for a good while and talk. Not that we aren't studying. She's been a stickler on that. I've learned more about contract law with her than when I actually took the class.

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