💛💙MARY & KIRARI: Aftercare pt2💙💛

Start from the beginning

"I suggest we get going before Sayaka locks us in here." Kirari smirked.

"Where are we going?" Mary asked as she took y/n's hand.

"To Kirari's. To celebrate." Y/n giggled at the blue lipstick.

"She left lipstick didn't she?" Mary groaned pushing Kirari a little.

"Not my fault. Y/n here loves being marked. I have to keep it on." Kirari smirked.

"President." Jun's voice called.

"Babygirl." Mary pulled y/n behind her.

"What do you want Mr Kiwatari?" Kirari asked.

"My life plan comes next week right? I should have the money by the day after. Any chance I can pay after." He asked.

"When the life plan is given. To strict deadlines. Your debt rises." Kirari spoke.

"Y/n in here." Mary pulled the girl into the bathroom.

"He-He's allowed here?" Y/n worried.

"Listen y/n. Hey shhh it's gonna be okay. He's staying away from you." Mary explained as she helped the girl sit on the counter.

"He did this!" Y/n cried.

"He was one of them yeah. But y/n we can't do anything legally until you tell the police. We still have the photos and such but you have to tell the police." Mary explained.

"Why can't Kirari kick him out?" Y/n cried.

"She needs a valid and legal reason y/n. All she can do is make him a house-pet." Mary spoke.

"I hate him." Y/n cried.

"Mary? Y/n?" Kirari asked peeking her head in the door.

"Yeah in here." Mary spoke.

"I'm sorry about him." Kirari spoke seeing y/n in this state.

Y/n just held our her arms as Kirari hugged the girl tightly. Since the incident y/n hasn't been in the best or shape. Her sleep schedule was fucked, her eating habits were bad and her mental health just just crazy. Yet y/n wouldn't tell people she just got worse.

"Lets get you home and in a cuddle pile." Mary smiled.

"Th-the hot tub." Y/n hiccuped.

"Is still there tomorrow." Kirari smiled rubbing the girl's cheeks.

"Okay." Y/n sighed.

The girl's all walked to Kirari's office where their stuff was. Kirari grabbed any paperwork for the weekend, y/n grabbed her bag as Mary did the same. As Kirari wrote a note to thank Sayaka they heard 2 gunshots. Y/n jumped instantly but Kirari didn't even flinch.

"Midari's still here?" Mary asked.

"Sayaka will deal with it. Come on. Get me two favourites home." Kirari grinned.

"Okay." Mary followed.

The three made it out to the car as Kirari got a phone call. She let the girl's get in before answering.

"You should really check bathroom's before using them." Midari's voice spoke.

"Midari if you made a mess I expect you to clean it." Kirari sighed.

"I mean...how easy is it to dispose of a body? Who am I kidding. It's easy." Midari laughed.

"Just tell me what you did." Kirari sighed fed up.

"Check your hallway camera." Midari laughed.

Kirari used her phone to check the camera's she let out a small smirk before going back to the call.

"Hello to you too Midari. I might have to keep you around." Kirari smirked.

"I mean, why should he have the satisfaction to live? He never gave that option to y/n? Oh and I punched him a few things for you too." Midari hummed.

"I'll email Sayaka later asking her to delete his files and the recordings. Go home and enjoy yourself. I might send Yumeko over." Kirari laughed.

"Wait. Is y/n okay?" Midari asked.

Kirari looked in the car seeing y/n sat in the middle leaning on Mary.

"She will be. Anyway I have to go." Kirari spoke.

"Bye Prez." Midari hung up.

Kirari got into the car and slammed the door. She had a small smirk on her face making both Mary and y/n confused.

"Can we have cuddles and order pizza?" Y/n asked as they drove away.

"Whatever my princess wants?" Kirari smiled kissing her cheek.

"Cool. Mary here." Y/n kissed the blonde.

Mary very happily kissed back grinning into the kiss as y/n moved her hand to the girl's waist. Kirari watched amused as y/n lifted Mary's shirt a little.

"What's this for?" Mary asked.

"You won." Y/n giggled.

"Thank you babygirl." Mary smiled.

"Anytime." Y/n grinned.

"Run ahead y/n." Kirari spoke as they got out.

Y/n ran into the house being greeted by Kirari's dogs. Mary pulled Kirari back and stared at her.

"Who called you?" Mary asked as she trapped Kirari against the car.

"Jealous?" Kirari smirked.

"No. Just tell me." Mary spoke.

"I like this side of you. Might have to let you do this more. Anyway, it was only Midari. She solved our little Jun problem since she was in the bathroom." Kirari smiled.

"Finally." Mary smiled.

"We should probably head inside before she gives my dogs too many treats." Kirari laughed.

"I like when you laugh. Its cute." Mary simply comments.

"Thank you." Kirari had a light blush.

"Y/n stop feeding the dogs!" Ririka yelled chasing y/n.

Mary and Kirari watched as Ririka chased y/n and the dogs all chased them both. Kirari just shook her head before picking up her cat and petting her.

"She's adorable." Both girl's spoke.

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