Chapter 31: Thicker Than Water

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          ~~~ (Y/N) POV ~~~

     I was running through the forest, chasing after a scent. My vision red I saw the mysterious person, some woman, and Vlad The Impaler. They ran from me as I crushed trees in my way, Vlad was slower than the other two people, but I didn't care about them, all I needed was the one who fell behind. He scowled before suddenly jumping at me, teeth bared, and nails in prime swiping position, but he never got the chance as I tackled him, my own teeth sinking into his neck. He screamed and tried to bite back as I tore at him. My vision was pure orange, and I continued to claw and bite, enjoying my feast. Then, I woke up.

     I was sweating, and breathing heavily. Was that a dream? Was that what happened? I got out of bed and remembered I was in the Palace. I went into my void and came out in my Diamond Authority outfit. I left my room and made my way to Blue's room. I didn't have a chance to talk to her. I wonder how she is doing. I entered Blue's room and saw her sitting worried.

(Y/N): "Why so... Blue?"

     I smiled and waved as I spoke.

Blue: "Oh (Y/N). I am glad to see you hear. How have you been, besides the current situation."

(Y/N): "I have been doing okay. To be honest, sometimes have been feeling like I have been unable to get ahold of my powers sometimes, but recently after coming home, I felt like all those problems just, left to somewhere else. But now a new problem show's up."

Blue: "Yes, I am sorry that this is happening."

(Y/N): "It's okay, I just hope this can be sorted out soon."

     Blue nods her head. I looked down and I let my smile fade. I know I have to sit up here so I they can't effect me, but, why can't I at least try to do something? And.... I walked out of Blue's room, and I headed to the warp pad. ...why can't I get rid of this hunger I have?

          ~~~ TIME SKIP 3 MINUTES (Y/N) POV ~~~

     I made it back to my house on Earth. I ran in the direction that Number 3 and 5 ran off in. The scenery started to become a forest as the neighborhood disappeared behind me.  At last I heard slightly distant voices as the border of my vision became a murky pinkish green. 

??(4)??: "Oh, come on Lust. I am telling you they disappeared."

Lust: "They couldn't have just disappeared, I still need to kill them!"

??(4)??: "Or make them yours? You seem to be quite obsessed."

Lust: "Oh shut it Envy, it isn't like that this time. They killed him, and I am going to avenge him! They are going to-"

     I stepped on a twig as I was trying to sneak around. Keeping as much of a distance as I could to hear, but not be completely overtaken.

Lust: "...Hello? I someone there? How about you come out so I can get a good long look at you. I am sure you look great."

     My vision was starting to get pinker and I got a slight urge to just jump out, but I restrained myself as best I could. How can they have this much power? Well, they are kind of the best. Why are they the best? Why can't I be? Why do they have to be so cool and persuasive?! Before I could move away the two figures came out and saw me. Lust narrowed their eyes.

Lust: "You! See Envy, I told you they were still here. And now we get to have fun."

     They started walking toward me as Envy stayed back. He was actually backing up instead, my vision no longer being a pinkish green, and was mostly pink at this point. They are so, so wonderful. Why was I going to hurt them? I am such an idiot. Maybe they will forgive  me.

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