Chapter 26: The Result

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          ~~~ Time Skip (Y/N) POV ~~~

     I woke up, in the palace. I got up and instantly got a headache.

(Y/N): "What the hell happe-.... oh, wait a minute."

     Steven was sleeping next to my bed. He jolted up after hearing me speak.

Steven: "(Y/N), thank goodness you're awake!"

(Y/N): "Hey Steven. How are you doing?"

Steven: "I should be asking you that."

(Y/N): "Oh please, I am fine."

Steven: "But you weren't. You were a mess, why did you do that?"

(Y/N): "I just really hate being impaled, and something just pushed me over the edge. That something was a water spike to my chest. Guess I was a bit, steamed."

Steven: "Don't joke around this is serious."

(Y/N): "Yeah, okay. I got a hole in my chest for the fourth time, and I lost it. I barely remember the start, but after that, it was just a blur, of me hating everything, and nothing. But, I do know, that I split. I made two of myself. And that is why I have a massive headache."

Steven: "That's not important right now. Right now you need to lay down and rest. You were out for a week!"

(Y/N): "Oh okay, so not too, Wait a week!? My parents must be worried sick, I gotta go."

Steven: "No! Not yet! We need to make sure you're okay."

(Y/N): "But I am perfectly fine. Hold that thought, I have double vision."

Steven: "(Y/N), you're going to be fine. Let me just go get the Diamonds."

(Y/N): "Oh sure thing Steven. Just know that I am very confused and nauseous."

     I sat up in the palace room. Steven came back with the Diamonds.

Yellow: "(Y/N), what were you thinking?!"

     I winced at the pain from the shouting.

(Y/N): "Gah, not so loud, my senses feel like they have been doubled, and my vision is weird. Can you guys not stand so close together, colors are mixing and it's weird."

     They stood still for a second before taking a step or two apart.

Yellow: "What is happening?"

(Y/N): "Well, at one point I cloned myself, and then I don't remember much else."

Yellow: "I thought you couldn't handle the complexity of two consciousnesses."

(Y/N): "I can't, that's why my senses are screaming at me, and I see two of everything. It's not getting worse, but it's not getting better."

Blue: "You see two of everything?"

(Y/N): "Yes, seeing double. It happens rarely, but it is essentially when a person has something that is messing with their vision. Here, so, take your current position, now I see you slightly to the left, and slightly to the right of your actual position, and because I see you in a spot your not, and my mind can see the wall behind you, it tries to make up for it by assuming you are slightly opaque in the place where I see you that you are actually not. Do you get it?"

Yellow: "Maybe, but why is this happening?"

(Y/N): "My theory. I cloned myself, my split consciousness had to deal with two eyes in two bodies, processing information long enough to confuse it, so now, I am used to seeing two different things at once, and going back to one eye is messing with my head so it is messing with my vision."

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