Chapter 28 - Brink of Nuclear War

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My eyes awoken, to see that I was still laid onto the grassy plains. I looked to my left and see 3 bodies that were laid next to me.




All were dead.

I was the sole survivor of Task Force 2-4-2. And I will not die from a terrorist leader.

I slightly sit up to see what was going on. 2 of Kiryu's men had gallons of gasoline's ready to pour onto me and the corpses of my allies.

How was I still alive? Was it because of my resolve? My sheer will? We will find that out.

I looked to my right and see a stick that was large enough to make a sound if it was thrown. I grabbed it with my right hand, my left hand was putting pressure on the bullet wound so I wouldn't bleed to death faster than normal.

I threw the stick at the forest behind me.


"What was that?"

"Reinforcements? I'll go check it out. You will continue on pouring gasoline on all of them and burn their corpse."

One of them went to check what the noise was from the forest. And the other one chose the worst fate and decided to continue his mission.

Closing my eyes to look like I was dead, I used my hand to feel his footsteps coming towards me. It seems he was coming towards my right, which was good.

I peaked a little bit to see where he was at. He was a split second close to pour the gasoline on me.

That time, I felt my adrenaline rush again and I quickly grab my knife from my belt and stab him in the leg.


He fell on his ass, trying to observe at what just harmed him.

Using this moment while he was distracted, I take the knife out of his foot and into his neck to silence him once more. This time, he was quiet for good.

"Must.. get his clothes.."

The boosted strength and will from the adrenaline rush has aid me more than I can owe. I took off his clothes, and took off my clothes.

I proceed to put on his clothes to disguise as one of Kiryu's men. In order to fake my own death, I put my clothes onto the enemy's corpse.

I pulled his body right next to Glock's corpse.

I look at the 3 soldiers who I have trusted, the 3 soldiers who saved my life multiple times. Yet I couldn't save theirs for once.

I give them my last salute, and took off, into the forest.

A few minutes later, I was still putting pressure onto the bullet wound and losing more blood than my blood cells can make.

"Shit, I'm not gonna make it."

I am not going to bleed out. This is not the way that I will die.

I fell to the floor, realizing that I was on a concrete pathway. A path that hikers use to travel around the forest. Was I really this far into the forest?

"Oh my god. Is that man bleeding?"

"Is he gonna be okay?"

"Call the hospital. It looks like he's been shot to the chest or stomach."


What a great coincidence....


I begin to open my eyes again, after passing out for the 2nd time.

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