Chapter 12 : Backlash

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"Clear this building!"

My captain orders me.

I obeyed his orders and kick the door, scanning for any enemy or hostages. Slowly and cautiously walking, I opened each door and all the rooms were empty.

"This is 2-2, Floor 1 of a small building is cleared. Going up to Floor 2."

I could hear my captain's voice talking to the radio to other squads.


The next door I opened, had an enemy soldier pointing his AK-47 right at us. And we all unleashed our gunfire at him as the bullets went through his body and making contact with the muddy wall.

"Target neutralized. Room is cleared. No hostages or non-combatants insight."

I repeated.

With no more enemies in Floor 2 & 1, we went to check on the basement.

"Watch our 6, Private. Enemies could still be lurking among in this building."

"Yes, captain."

A fellow new marine listens.

A few seconds later, we spotted a few people. 1 female and 2 men.


Me and the captain both shoot the 2 men in the head, and pointed our weapons at the female. We were both hesitant as it was usually men who were combatants. And women were merely pawns.

"Please! No! I'm not a solider! They held me hostage!"

Her hands were high in the sky. But her attention was not on us, she was stepping back and glancing at something behind her every 2 seconds. As if she was going to reach for something..


I shot her with a bullet to the head.

We went to see what she was about to grab.

"She was going for a goddamn detonator."

There were probably explosives hidden inside the building and we all would've been dead, if I hesitated to shoot her.

"That was a good choice, Sgt. Hachiman."

"If other buildings have this, wouldn't it be bad-"


We could all hear tons of explosions occur as the building behind to shake, though not on the brink of collapsing.

"Fuck, they got them!"


With those loud fireworks, and those pesky teenagers, I couldn't handle it anymore.

While Yukinoshita was going to call the police, I head straight to my room and picked up my SIG Sauer M17, turned off the safety and head straight towards those teenagers.

I gave them 1 last warning, and they broke it many more times than I can count. I'll show them not to fuck with a veteran.

Never have I ever pointed a gun and threatened to use it on citizens. But... something triggered me to get this furious. I don't know..

Each time I hear those fireworks, I am reminded of how many soldiers died in front of me. How many explosives they took to the face. How many snipers that has got them. How many suicide bombers have come close to as even deafen my ears.

"Haha! He sure didn't like that one-"


I shoot their last firework, preventing it from exploding.

A Soldier's Homecoming || Hachiman x Yukino || (COMPLETED)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora