Chapter 11 : Intense Training

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"Now, I want each and every one of you to find a partner and practice close combat martial arts. Now, some of you may think that it is useless to a gun fight. But if you're out of ammo, and your enemy has a knife on you. Guess what? You'd be dead in 5 seconds! Is that clear?"

"Sir, yes, sir!"


"Hmm... What should I do to get back at Yukinoshita for making me clean up her mess."

Last night, I finished the delicious food she made, but left everything. I do feel like it's my responsibility to clean it but she insisted of making it for me. Therefore, it should be hers, right?

But.. last night was also intense.

She almost found out about my past. Inside a wooden box, lies my medals and military uniform. I'm not sure if she even saw it but I really hope she didn't.

I didn't want to hurt her or anything. The note was just to scare off anyone who accidentally find it. If there even is anyone who would walk into my apartment.

I sat on the wheel chair that had been left out for a month or more, thinking of a plan.

Wait a minute.. a wheelchair?

Outstanding move, Hachiman!

I'll fake my leg injury and scare the heck out of Yukinoshita and her kid.


In fact, here they come.

"The doors unlocked."

Anyone would be dumb enough to walk into the wrong apartment at the wrong time.

"Pardon the intrusion."

Yukinoshita and Yuki appears.

"Hey, kid."

Gosh, I sound like a man in his 40s who has seen some things.

In fact, I'm a 24 year old man who has seen some things.

"Mister Fishman-"

They both see my condition and were questioning why I was on a wheel chair.

"Hikigaya-kun, did something happen to your leg?"

She was visibly filled with worries and so was Yuki.

"Mister Fishman, are you okay?"

"No, I'm not. Your babysitter has to go to the hospital to have leg surgery. They might even say that I may not walk again."

They both gasped.

Yuki began crying.

"Waahhh! It's all my fault! It's because I made you go to the summer festival!"

Fuck! Fuck!

Not part of the plan!

The original plan was just to shock them, not make a child cry.

I stood up.

"It's okay, Yuki. It's not your fault! Right, Yukinoshita-"

Then both of their faces had the same exact expression. A cold stare with empty eyes.

I realized that I had just stood up.

"How could I fall for this obvious trap."

"Serves you right for making me clean up your mess. And tricking me to go to the summer festival."

"You made Yuki cry. Do you know what happens when you make a child cry in front of their mother?"

I gulped.

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