Chapter 23 : Truth Serum

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In the interrogation room, there lay 3 people who were discussing, arguing and trying to reason with each other. And those 3 people were me, Yukinoshita, and Haruno.

"Are you telling me that your husband has encountered this man before, and he has never told you? What if your husband is part of the JTC?" (Japanese Terrorist of Chiba)

I said to Yukinoshita, with utter shock inside me.

"Listen, everyone holds secrets. Just because I'm married to him, doesn't mean I have the right to tell him every secret I have. He hasn't even told me where he was born!"

"So you're saying that he isn't in the JTC?"

"Actually, he isn't. I'm not even sure if he knows."

Since when did Haruno become relevant in this conversation?

"Of course he's not. He almost got led into a trap just a few days ago! If he would have went to the meeting, god knows what might've happened if your soldiers assumed he was part of them."

I had a sigh of relief. I mean, they both are pretty rich so they would be easy but important subjects. But how could she doubt my soldiers for mistaking Nishikio as a hostile? They're trained well enough.

"Don't you dare insult about my soldiers. They are risking their life to protect Chiba, and not even you are sharing gratitude towards them. The only person showing gratitude is probably me, not even my superiors. Because my superiors treat us as tools, once the tools broke down, they buy new ones. Then the cycle repeats and repeats, until... the user of the tool has fallen into hell."

That was when she knew she had to be quiet.

"Listen, I'm sorry. I just got really frustrated that you literally kidnapped my sister and assumed that my own husband is a terrorist, he's Japanese!"

I had no time to deal with family matters, not my problem. I'm going to go find where he is at. Taking my phone out of my pocket, I clicked a specific app and clicked on the security cameras in Yukinoshita's home.

"He's at your house with your child."

I walked towards the door and turn the knob.

"You won't even say Yuki's name. Is there something wrong with you?"

I stopped doing what I was doing prior.

"A lot of things I do are pretty wrong. But I think my reasons are justified. When you take the gloves off, you take them all off."


Driving the speed limit to head towards Yukinoshita's house, I looked in the rear view mirror and see her and Haruno chasing after me.

I swear... these 2 girls are too much involved with my life and my missions. They should be dead by now since they know this much. Wait.. why aren't they hurt yet?

20 minutes later and I arrived at their front yard. Just only 30 seconds left before they arrived, unless they break a few laws and get away with it. I think this is going to go out well.

Knocking on the door, I heard small tiny footsteps rushing in to open the door. I shouldn't just barge in since I can tell it is Yuki.

"Oh hey, Mister Fishman-"

"Where is your father, Yuki? Is he in the house?"

Even I have to interrupt a child just to get what I want.


You don't like how I play my own rules? Why won't you fight me about it?

"N-Nishikio is over there, watching TV..."

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