Chapter 14 : Close Call

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Half of me wanted to go see Hikigaya-kun and have him answer all my questions for him. But the other half told me to stay and complete my work.

Looking at a small photo frame, the picture contained of me, Nishikio and my beloved daughter. She was a toddler back then, holding her red tricycle. Then there was me who also seemed to be smiling along with my daughter.

But there was something that blocked the happiness between us..

My husband.

I..... I don't know if I hate him or I love him.

I can't remember how I met him at all. As if it was a police blockade in my own memories. I asked my mother how I met him, but she simply ignored me.

My mother... was scary. She was a very important figure to Chiba and many small cities.

But as these months passed by... that fear was slowly going to Hikigaya-kun. I wouldn't say I'm afraid of him. But he was someone to keep in mind of. As Haruno said, this wasn't the Hikigaya-kun from high school. And we all don't know what happened during those 6 years in America.

I guess I should pick up Yuki from school-

I mean from Yui's house.


"You didn't have to pick me up that early, mommy! It was 2 months since I came back to school! I was having so much fun with my friends!"

Yuki pouts, holding my hand as we exit from.. a particular building.

"Oh? And what were you doing that was so much fun?"

A daughter and mother bond, something I never had.

"I was teaching them how to-..... how to do the exact form of push-ups!"

Huh? That's a strange thing to do for a young girl like her.

"Why push-ups? And how do you even know how to do it?"

"Because you need to do push-ups in order to become a stronger person!"

She's not wrong. The best I could do is 20. I am slacking on my self-defense lessons and training because of the workload I am receiving.

"How much can you do?"

"15- I mean, 3!"

I only heard 3. What was she saying prior?

"Keep practicing them and you'll grow up to be a dangerous woman one day. Or should I say, a stronger woman?"

"Oh yeah! Mister Fishman already told me that I will grow up to become a very dangerous woman! He didn't mean like dangerous in society, but dangerous when fighting."

Excuse me?

"What do you mean? Tell me more, Yuki. I have a dangerous weapon to use against him for sure. Tell me one of his weaknesses when he was taking care of you."

How dare he call this adorable daughter of mine, dangerous. Only I can call her that. Unless his eyes have improved quite a bit.

"Uhh... I don't think he has a weakness."

A sheer heart attack would've occurred inside my chest if that was actually the case.

"Did I teach you to compliment Hikigaya-kun?"

"Ah! No! It's just that.. whenever I'm always with him... he seems to always hold his gun while sitting in the couch as he watches me watch Pan-san."

That heart attack would've hit me twice now.

What was he thinking? Holding a gun with a child in your apartment? I don't care how experienced he is with his guns, but that could definitely get him into deep trouble.

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