naughty thoughts

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"Thanks for not killing me...I guess?"

"I did." He grimaced. "I killed your mother whilst you were in the womb, unbeknownst to me of course. I had to save you once I'd found out you were my child. But just like your mother, you betrayed me."

"I don't remember living here mate." You just patted his shoulder. Despite his overwhelming height and muscular build, you realised that there's no way he'd kill you...right?

"I sent you to earth to love amongst the humans, to live a sacrificial life. But that Kio kid, he tainted you. You became a lost soul. And when I sent Vincent your way, I thought I'd gotten you back but you, you changed him too. And for a long time I thought it was Lucifer's influence but little did I know you were much more powerful than that. By keeping you alive, I gave you a prophecy to fulfill, but so did he."  He manifested himself a comfortable couch and sat on his humongous ass. He was obviously planning something. You decided to antagonise him. You copied him and manifested yourself and the boys seats too. He raised an eyebrow your way, to which you just smiled back in return.

"Just like your father." He clicked his tongue.

"Funny. Which one?" Vinnie held on to your hand, insisting that you calm down.

"You want to challenge me?"

"Did I say that?"

"You're hinting at it. Don't you bark up the wrong tree young lady"

"Young lady? According to you guys I've lived millions of lives."

"How long do you think the rest of us have lived? How long do you think it takes for us to age? Do you know anything about what you're supposed to be doing? Or are you all just here to taint my sacred space?"

"I know that I need to merge with both Kio and Vincent." You knew you were giving attitude but it's not like you ever had a father to annoy.

"That merge you so solemnly speak of is nothing but dark magic. The only merge I will accept is one of sacrifice." He smiled to himself. This dude is low-key cynical.

"What sort of sacrifice?"

"One that will send your souls together, physically. The strongest of the three shall attain dominance."

"Just say you want Kio and I to die and move on." You were fed up. This man is obviously crazy and he just wants to torture you to death. You decided you wanted to siphon the magic in this heaven and absorb it. Forgetting that you were holding on to Vinnie's hand, you began taking up as much power as you could from the almighty not only for yourself, but for Vinnie's annoying ass. You obviously let go of him after you realised. You needed more help than him.

The almighty seemed to have found himself in a rather dangerous situation because he sent the three of you and Jordan back to the apartments. At least you kept the energy you stole. Vinnie, on the other hand, looked quite upset.

"What's wrong?"

"I didn't realise you were an antichrist. I thought I was the one who was supposed to appear before the end of the world... but it's you."

"Isn't it you, Kio, and I?"

"Well if we do the almighty's sacrifice, the strongest amongst us will survive alone. It's clearly you. "He held your hands, showing you the power you just easily stole from heaven. "You can outrank both Kio and I"

"But if we do it Kio's way, we'll all stay alive, it's just our powers that link, right?" Vinnie took your hand and took you across the hall to Kio's place. Maybe he felt uncomfortable discussing the situation in front of a demon and an angel.

As the two of you opened the door, Vinnie placed both of his hands on your waist and rested his head on your shoulder. You reached for the light switch, but just as you did so, Kio cleared his throat. ....threesome?

"Hey" Vinnie pulled Kio in for a warm, and long, hug. How hot. Kio broke the embrace after a few seconds before turning to you and planting a passionate kiss on your lips. Threesome???

"Did the two of you spend the whole day together?" Kio suspiciously asked.

"We went to see my father" Vinnie took a seat on the couch comfortably before explaining how his father suggested a more holy merge.

"We're not doing that though. If we let her control both worlds alone, no one will protect her. Only our spirits will be there, but they're not much of a help without our bodies." Kio took a seat next to him. They were both man-spreading as their arms crossed in confusion. You took a seat in between them before putting your arms around their necks. Would a threesome even be appropriate right now? They're both just so hot.

You decided to manifest some tomato soup. You remembered what happened to Quinton your first time manifesting and thought of a great idea. The soup spilled all over their clothes, snapping them out of their thoughts.

"What the fuck?" Kio muttered before looking at Vinnie. "You did this?"

"Look at me, idiot. It's all over me too." The two of them looked at you acting innocent in the middle. "Why?" They asked as they began taking off their shirts. This. This is why. You had to stop yourself from drooling but damn- they were so hot.

"Accident. I was just a little hungry, thirsty." You smiled. "Maybe you two should wash up. Here, I'll wash your clothes." Kio just gave you both his pants and shirt but Vinnie kept his pants on and just looked at you accusingly. You just made their clothes vanish and followed them along to the bathroom. Curse Kio and his two separate bathrooms.

"Vinnie, babes, I'm sure Kio has some clothes he can give you." He agreed and gave you his black jeans. To which, again- you made vanish. Whilst they were both cleaning the soup off of their abs, you decided to make everything in Kio's closet magically disappear too. Now all they have is small towels. ...were you being too perverted? Perhaps.

Both boys walked into the room to find you half naked on the bed. "Oh, it got on me too. I guess I'll have to wash up" you knew there were no more towels inside the bathroom and that Kio broke his lock months ago, meaning the door could open at any unsuspecting moment.

You were gonna get your threesome. 

please me; kiocyr, vhacker,Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon