Chapter 3 - Resistance Base

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The hidden Resistance base was surrounded by green, tall trees with wide, study branches. Connecting the trees was a covering of green ivy like growth which created a canopy over the base. This growth blocked much of the bright light of its nearby sun.

Rey threw her saber ahead of her, igniting as it left her hand. She then performed an acrobatic Force-aided jump from one large branch to another as the saber sliced through a gluttonbug hive and headed towards her hand as she landed. Except the saber did not reach its destination, it hit a tree trunk and deflected away from its target. Rey dropped her head in disappointment and stopped to rest.

"I'm sorry, since the mission, my mind has been scattered..." Leia sat down next to Rey and allowed time for her to finish. "I can't settle on one emotion..."

"I wasn't powerful enough to save the team. There has to be a way to become more powerful besides practicing flips and moving rocks. I know I have the Jedi texts, but there has to be more that I don't know. All knowledge is neither good nor bad, right? As long as I use it for good?"

Leia finally spoke, "Rey, I know this is hard for you, but it's not your fault, losses happen in war. You don't need to dabble in the darkness, you are already doing everything you should be doing."

Rey was slow to respond, "How is 3PO?"

"The technicians are not sure, but it appears he may not be the same bubbly droid we remember. R2 hasn't left his side."

Rey looked down, "More losses..."

"But we have seen a few inquiries to join our cause after the message went out", Leia continued, "it would have been far worse without you."

Rose Tico approached cautiously, "Excuse me Rey, I brought you some sliced meiloorun fruit, I know you like that. I hope you feel better."

"Thank you Rose, I appreciate it", replied Rey.

"Oh, and also, could I take a look at the Jedi texts again? After figuring out how to rebuild your lightsaber, I want to see what other stuff I...I mean we can learn, it's just so fascinating!"

"Well, it's a dull read, but sure Rose you can read them anytime, just don't learn everything about the Force and turn into 'Darth Rose', OK?"

"Don't worry, the only thing I can move with my mind is Finn, every time I walk near him he walks the other way!", said Rose with a smile.

"He's...Finn is...I'm sure it's temporary", Rey replied.

Rose walked away and Rey turned to Leia again. "Leia, something I've always wondered about, what you can you tell me about Ben? How was his childhood? How did he...", and Rey stopped herself.

Leia bowed her head and hesitated before responding. "His childhood was good, for many years, we had a happy family. About age 12 he noticed he had powers other kids did not have, started to show off, and to bully other kids. His friends were a bad influence on him. His father scolded him harshly, and Ben did not like that one bit. He threw a cup from across the room at Han using the Force, and Han being Han, tore into him even more. I was usually the peacemaker, but I couldn't prevent their fighting. I think that's when he started to pull away from his father."

"Han and I discussed what to do with him, we wanted him to fulfill his potential, so we sent him away to train with Luke. I think Ben wanted to learn to become a Jedi, but also resented that we sent him away. We had less contact with him while he was with Luke than we should have, just like good Jedi parents. Then Snoke discovered him, somehow without Luke knowing, and piqued Ben's ambitions, and you know what happened next."

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