Chapter 8

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After that little moment, I go to the garage and I see Luke and Reggie seating on the sofa so I just seat myself on the chair.

"Hey Alex, what did you talk about with Julie?" Reggie asks when Alex comes after me and looks at me confused as he rubs his arm and the looks at Reggie and says

"Uh... I just asked her if she got in her music program, she didn't" I frown at that and I say "then they are really stupid, because she was amazing"

Alex nods his head and says "ya I agree"

Luke then gets up and says "well I don't know about you losers , but I have to take care of something so I'll catch you later" then suddenly he poofs and I look at them confused and I say "where did he go?"

Reggie and Alex just shrug theirs shoulders and Reggie says "I don't know, but it's the second time that his done this" I look at them confused and say

"What do you think it is?" Then Alex and Reggie look at each other with knowing eyes and I say "oh no guys, don't..." but before I get to finish they already poofed out and I just look at the place where they were grinding my teeth.

"Stupid band" I say and then I poof after them.

When I poof back I see Alex and Reggie hiding behind some bushes and I go to them and slap them behind their heads.

"Hey!" Reggie says but I just cross my arm sand says "guys, this is Luke's privacy, do you not remember what happened with Julie like 5 minutes ago? We don't get..." I once again don't finish before Alex pushes me to hide with them behind the bush and he says

"Ya Summer your right, but look!" I look to where him and Reggie are looking and suddenly I realise where we are.

We are outside Luke's parents house.

When I look around the house is exactly like it was before, it never changed.

When I look at the windows suddenly I see Luke's parents watching TV and looking older than the last time I saw them and they seem really focused on it.

Suddenly I see a person appear with a blue sleeveless jacket and jeans with chains and that's when I realise . Luke's here.

I look at his face and I feel the tears coming to my eyes seeing the sad look and the tears that he's cleaning with his arms.

He seats on the ground, on the middle of his parents, and just looks at the TV with them.

"I can't believe he's here" Alex says and I just shake my head and say "guys please, let's leave" they look at me and for once they listen to me and nod their heads poofing out and I just stand a little longer looking at him.

He looks so hurt.

Seeing him like this makes me think of my family and realise that I know where to look for my sister.

I poof out at that though and I go back to the garage seeing the guys already there looking a little sad but already going to their instruments.

"Guys I'm going to go, just don't get into much trouble okay?" Alex nods his head and Reggie just puts his hand on his head in a salute form and says "ay ay caption"

I just laugh and I say "okay behave" and poof out again.

When Julie help me find out my sister, we found out her Instagram , wish I tough was a pretty cool app and, luckily it was public, because people normally make it private, Or at least thats what Julie said.
She didn't explain that to me really well but I figured that it means that only some people see it when it's private. I know I'm really smart.

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