Chapter 13

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Right know we're making a few adjustments to the song with Luke leaning on the piano with a guitar on his back and a pick on his mouth and Reggie is making the beat with his hands on the piano as well. I just got bored so know I'm just laying on the sofa listening to them.

" guess that means I'm buying lunch that day, I know all your secrets you know all my deep dish, guess that means that some things..." Reggie stops Luke mid singing when he says " wait so....when she says deep dish... is she talking about pizza or..." I roll my eyes and I look at him and say "what do you..." I don't get to finish when suddenly Alex appears in between them on top of the piano and I get up and say "Alex you're back thank god"

Reggie smiles and says "oh hey man, where you been" I see a cute smile on Alex's face and my eyebrows go up at that, the walk must have been better than I expected.

"Um, kind of everywhere. Yeah. No I met a new ghost friend" when he says that I go to him and I say "really?" He then smiles and says "he's the same one you met Summer, and he answer a ton of question"

I go to answer but Luke speaks before me and says "yeah? Like whether Julie was gonna join the band or not?" Luke looks frustrated at him and Alex says "um... Well, we didn't get to that" I stop him and I say "don't listen to him Alex, he's just cranky because Julie didn't want to join the band"

Luke rolls his eyes and continues to work on the piece and I feel a bit hurt but I just try to ignore him and I look at the other boys .

Alex turns to Reggie and says "but I think I know why we're here, ok? All ghosts have like unfinished business, so we need to do our unfinished business so that we can cross over" I smile when he says that but then Luke's voice interrupts my thinking.

"Why would we do that?" We all turn to look at him and he says "I'm just saying, this is like our second chance, all we need to do is get Julie to play with us"

I nod my head and Reggie says "yeah. Not only can that girl sing, she can write too, Luke, Summer and I made a killer melody to one of her lyrics"

Alex looks at me with surprise and I smile and nod my head and then Luke gives him the notebook with the chords and Alex takes it and says "oh... without your"

Luke at that slaps his shoulder and says "Drumming is so '90s. Ok? We're just gonna stomp our feet now" when he says that I look at him with a mouth open and I say "Luke!" But Alex just says "don't worry Summer I got this" at that he turns to Luke and says "well you know what else is so '90s? Being rude. All right? Get woke. These are sensitive times" he then slaps the notebook back on Luke's chest and Luke says "ah! Alex...ow" and I just give him a thumbs up and smile.

He then turns to me and Reggie and says "I learned that from my ghost friend" I smile a little and Reggie says "woke... that's a cool word, what does it mean"

I would also like to know that.

Alex looks at us and says "no clue" and I just laugh. That's very helpful.

Alex then gets down from the piano and goes seat on the sofa and I follow him and seat next to him and say "Alex..." with a smirk.

"What? Why are you doing that face?" I just relax against the sofa and say "oh nothing, I was just thinking about our mutual friend Willie" when I say that he looks down and I see a little blush on his cheek and I say "he's got some pretty nice hair right?"

Alex just looks more uncomfortable and says "yah he does...." I just laugh and say "I'm just messing with you Alex, but if you wanna talk, you know you can right?" When I say that he looks at me and says with a smirk "like you talk to me about your boy troubles?" When he says that I feel my cheeks born and he says "yah, don't think I haven't notice how you and Luke are always touching, it's pretty adorable if you ask me"

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