Chapter 4

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After our little celebration we walked back to the studio and as soon as I got inside I fought Reggie to the shower and won obviously, but I kinda was disappointed that actually showers don't work because well, the water just passes trough us.

Reggie was just as disappointed as me about this fact.

Right know the boys are planing to go somewhere But I just want to stay here and go do my own thing for a while. Being with boys for 25 years is a little much.

"So you sure you don't want to come?" I shake my head and say "no thanks, don't cause to much trouble without me" they laugh and Alex and Reggie poof out to the Orpheum, where Luke said he wanted to go, but Luke stays and looks at me.

"Are you really sure? It's going to be fun" I smile at him and say "I imagine that it is but I want to take care of some things" he nods he's head and he seems like he wants to say something but then he just smiles and says "okay see ya later" and then he poofs.

He's so confusing, sometimes I think he's also interested in me but I don't know. And I'm to scared to tell him.

I sigh and walk back outside seeing the night sky shining at me. I then remember what I wanted to do and so I poof out and appear in the place that I wanted to go. My home.

It's still here

I smile a little and walk trough the front door expecting my dad, maybe a older version of him, but I don't get him. What I get is a young couple with their new born baby on the couch.

I look at them confused and after goofing around the house I realize that they must have moved. Well that's just great.

What do I do now

I look at the couple one more time and I see the mans arms around the woman's and the little baby in the middle of them and I can't help but be sad.

There was a time that I daydreamed that this was going to be me and Luke. Now it will never be.

I walk back outside and I seat on the grass on the outside of the house just looking at the stars. How do I find them now?

I don't even know how to function with the new technologies like Julies phone, how am I going to find them.


I smile a little at my ideia and poof again, leaving my old house and arriving at Julies again.

I appear on the living room and after not seeing anyone I go upstairs and when I see the room that has Julie on the door I pass through it and I see her laying on her bed messing with her phone.

"Hi" I say and she mini screams when she sees me standing on her door and jumps from the bed.

"What the hell! You can't just come to my room!" I look down when she says that with a panic face and I say "I'm sorry! I just wanted to talk to you, I'll knock next time"  she sighs and seats on the bed and turn to me to say "so what do you wanted to talk about?"

I walk and after having a look around I seat on the end of the bed and I say "well, first I wanted to thank you for letting us stay in the studio, it's really cool"

She smiles a little and says "ya, I'm not going to let some ghost be homeless right" I laugh at that and say "yap not really nice"

Then she stops laughing and I see the sadness in her eyes and I can see myself in her so without thinking I say.

"You know.... if you need to talk to someone about what your feeling, I'm always open to a good conversation" she looks at me a little confused when I say that and I smile a small smile and say

"I know that you don't really know me but... my mom died when I was 16 so I know what you are going trough" she gasp when I say that and says "really? You lost your mom too?" I nod my head at that and say.

"Ya, it was a really hard time for me, but thankfully the boys were there and they helped me a lot" when I say that I see the understanding and then she asks

"Actually I wanted to ask you, why did you die with the boys? Your not in the band right?" I laugh when she says that and I say "uhh... well I die as the same way, I ate a bad hot dog, but no im not in the band per say, I was like their manager when we were alive" she nods understanding and says "how did that happen?"

I just shake my head remembering the first time I meet the guys and I say "that's a long story" when she realizes that I don't really want to speak of it she moves on and says

"Well, thanks for telling me about your mom, I appreciate it" I nod my head and I say "actually I came here because I need your help"

When I say that she looks at me confuse and says "what?" And I start to explain

"Well, when I died I left my father and older sister here, so I wanted to see how they are doing but my dad is not our old house, I just passed by there and there's new people living there, so I wanted to know if you could help me find them? You know with all of this new technology it must be easier right?"

She laughs and says "of course I can help! Tell me their names I can see if I can find them on Facebook or Instagram" I look at her confused when she says that and she continues "they are like sites that you can speak to people all around the word, their pretty easy if you want I can teach you?"

I nod my head exited and that's how we spend some time, with Julie teaching me the basics of technology and me trying my hardest to not make stupid questions. I think google is the must fascinating thing there is actually. After a while she told me she had to go to sleep because she had school but we ended up finding my sister.

It's pretty weird because she looks like her but older, I know that it's been 25 years but still, it's pretty weird.

"Thanks for helping me... I never had many girl friends when I was alive so this was nice" she smiles and nods her head and says "ya, your pretty cool too, if you ever need to get away from the boys you know where to get me, but please next time knock before coming in" I nod my head and I leave her house with a pretty happy smile. I just got a new friend.

I go down and I see her dad seating on the sofa messing with his computer and I smile a small smile messing my dad. Sadly we couldn't find him, but maybe with my sister I can do it.

When I look at the clock I see that it's already pretty late, and that she most definitely is sleeping so I leave for tomorrow to visit her and I poof out to where the boys are.

When I appear I'm in a bar and I look around confused not understanding what I'm doing here.

As I start to hear very well known voices to me, I turn to see the boys signing all around the bar, but the costumers don't see them so they just think that it is music playing.

I laugh a little and get close to them and say "so, having fun?"

They stop signing and turn to me and Alex says "summer! You came" and gives me a hug and I just laugh and say "of course I did, I can't let you guys be free without adult supervision" I joke and Luke and Reggie come to us and Reggie says "Uh last time I checked, you were our age"

I nod my head and say "yes, technically but everybody knows that girls are more developed than guys, so psychologically i am older"

Luke laughs at that and says "whatever you dork" and I just laugh and blush. Control yourself Summer!

"So what have you guys been doing?" I ask looking around at the bar and Reggie is the first to speak "we're going around bars, seeing how many we can hit before sun rise" I nod my head and with a smile I say "so what are we waiting for, let's go!"

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