Chapter 11

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The guys decide to form a type of pyramid with me on Luke's back, and Luke on top of Reggie and Alex's knee. After many attempts to not choke out Luke and not fall off we finally get in a good position and just wait for Julie.

Is this really necessary, you may be asking, the answer is no. Believe me I tried.

When she appears we all scream "Julie!" And she jumps and says "ahhh you! Stop doing that" with that Luke jumps from their knees and I jump from his back and stand next to him.

"I'm serious" she says and Reggie says "whoa! This one's all on you. We were already here, well actually we were over there" he points to the place behind us "and then we came over here"

We all ignore him and Luke says "are we not going to talk about what just happened?"

She looks at us confused and says "yeah, the whole school saw you. It's kinda freaking me out"

Alex then pipes up and says "ok! Good, cause it's kinda freaking me out too, you know you can see us, and then people could see us whenever we play music, and my clothes are made of air but for some reason I'm still getting a wedgie" after that freak out I go and stand next to him and giving him some pats on the arm while Luke pats his back and Alex says "so many questions"

Luke then says "the important thing is that we rocked that place, they were loving you"

I nod my head and she says "are you kidding they loved us, I mean Summer you never said you played piano too!"

I smile at her and say "well I'm not as good as you or anything but I play a little"

She smiles and says "well you were rocking it, we all were, that was a great song Luke. Thanks" she smiles at him and when I see his proud smile I can't help but touch is arm. He smiles at me and then Reggie stops our moment and says "and did you see the cheerleaders looking at me? I think they were looking at me. Please tell me they were"

He turns Luke to him to ask him that and Luke puts his hands on his cheeks as he says "bro, they were looking at you" I laugh a little at how exited Reggie looks and Julie too making me roll my eyes at me in a playful way.

Alex suddenly says "I'm so... I'm so confused, you know" I turn to look at see his worried face making my smile disappear and a frown replaces it "the after life should come with instructions or a quick start guide or something" I nod my head at that and Julie starts to speak making me turn to look at her again.

"Well, the good thing is everyone though you guys were holograms and I got back into the program"

She then looks down looking sad and Reggie says "why do you look so bummed?"

Luke then puts his arms around me and Reggie reaching for Alex as he says "yeah,dude, your making this face" he then makes an over exaggerated pout and I do one as well, followed by Reggie and Alex.

She laughs a little and says "that... is not my face"

He then lets go Alex and Reggie but keeps his arm over me making me feel happy as he says "it's your face"

Julie then looks sad again and without thinking I get closer to Luke making my body touching his and I feel his arm relax more on top of my shoulders. He likes this position as much as I do.

"And things just got weird between me and Flynn, she asked about you guys and I couldn't say"

I look at her sad realizing that this means a lot to her and Reggie says "sweet. Girls are already talking about us"

He and Luke give each other a high five and I slap Luke on his chest making him jump as I say "your not helping"

Julie then says "I'm serious, I can't tell her about you guys for the same reason I can't tell my dad,she'll think I've gone off the deep end" I nod my head understanding her when suddenly we hear a noice coming and Luke moves to the side with me as a janitor passes us and Reggie says "this dude definitely thinks you've gone off the deep end"

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