Chapter 7

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After I stoped crying, I started to walk around, just looking at the houses and the people, trying to clear my head.

I know that the guys didn't meant to hurt me but I just... every time that they tell me that I'm really good I just close myself, I'm nothing especial and I'm scared that I become a part of the band and it just becomes horrible because of me. And because the guys don't want to hurt me they are not capable of kicking me out, and so they start to hate me because they don't have the success that they deserve, and then they stop being my friends....

Okay I just had a big freak out. Well at least we are dead so I can't ruin something that's not going to happen anymore. That's good.

I finally feel ready to go back and I think of the boys as I poof and I feel myself move.

When I poof again I look around and I realize where I am. Julies room.

"What the hell guys?" When I talk they seem to notice me and they immediately go to action.

"We're so sorry sum...", "We didnt mean to hurt your feelings", "have I told you how pretty you are?"

I look at them with an eyebrow raised and my arms crossed in front of me as they continue to apologize and I just say "okay enough!"
That's when they shut up and I say "I'm not mad at you guys, I know you aren't trying to hurt me just.... don't push me to much okay?"

They nod their heads and I smile and say "okay then.... what the hell are you doing in Julies room? This is creepy" they look confused by this and Luke says "we just wanted to look around, what's weird about that?"

Alex then turns to her dresser and starts to try to pick up a photo, and fails

Reggie jumps on her bed and I just slap my forehead "it's creepy because she isn't here! This is her space, and it's just...."

Suddenly the door opens and Julie comes in and I look at her like a deer in headlights.

When she sees us she looks confused but then mad "what are you guys doing in my room?"

The boys look at her like they got caught and all off then start to say uhh  and Luke says "uhhh, we were looking for the kitchen?"

I roll my eyes and when she looks at me with a what the hell look I just say "I just arrived, I only came here because i poofed where they were, I don't have anything to do with this" I put my hand up signaling peace and she turns to look at them and says.

"This... this can't happen, it's creepy, get off my bed please" I nod my head at that as Reggie jumps of her bed

"Hey Julie!" Luke says turning our attention to him as he puts his hand up, then he points to a box thats next to him and says "what in the box?"

I look at him weirdly as Julie says "that's off-limits"

He then turns with a cute smile and says "oh. Ok, Girl stuff" as he says that me and Julie simultaneously cross our arms and Reggie says "oh... like butterflies and glitter?"

Alex then turns to Reggie and says "oh.come on. I'm sorry about them"

I smile at Alex when he says that and Julie just says "it's non of your business, and yes they may be some glitter" I laugh at that and say when she looks at me with I'll kill you look I just put a hand in front of my face and just say "sorry"

Alex then decides to turn to the picture and finally he picks it up and starts to walk towards the bed saying " hey! I actually picked something up" which he then lets go and falls on the bed.

He looks disappointed at us and says " I drop it"
I laugh again at his antics and I go around Julie joining the guys on the side that they are when Luke says "is that your mom?"

The band | Julie and the phantoms|Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя