Chapter 14

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After that everything calmed down and we spend our weekend writing songs and getting to now Julie better.

Right know is Sunday and my sisters words about the lunch have been in my mind since last night,making me be distracted

We are now writing another song together but I can't seem to focus on this at the moment.

"Cause we standing on the edge of great!" Julie sings but I get distracted and I play the wrong keys and Luke, Julie and Reggie look at me confused "sorry guys" I say but Luke puts his guitar down and he says "how about we take 5?" She nods and says "okay, I'm going to get a sandwich"

She leaves and I get up form the piano and go and seat myself in the sofa. This day sucks.

"Whats wrong?" I look at Luke who is seating next to me and Reggie and Alex seat on the chairs and I just smile and say "nothing, I'm just distracted"

Alex says "ya sure" but it's in a I don't believe you way and Luke says "you are never just distracted, come on, you've been like this since last night" I look down and I sigh

There's a moment of silence until I finally say "it's just... today my family is going to have a lunch together... and I wanted to go.. but I..." Luke looks confused when I don't finish and Alex says "is it because of your sister?"

I nod my head and Luke says "what about your sister?" I sigh again and I say "uh well Thursday i went to see my sister and it didn't end up really well"

They guys look at me expecting more and I say "she was talking to her husband about this lunch and they started to talk about me... and she said some mean things"I say playing with the elastic on my arm, like I do when I feel nervous

"What kind of mean things?" Luke asks and I turn to him and say "it doesn't matter, it just makes me not want to go to the lunch, but I also want to see my dad..."

When I say that he looks sad at me and Alex and Reggie look down making me feel bad and I say "I'm sorry if I'm ruining the day"

"Well just try to forget about it, working on the songs is going to distract you" when Luke says that I look at him with a surprise face and I say "what?"

He looks at me and says "you know, if you not going why keep thinking about it, your sister was a bitch, you already knew that" I look at him hurt and i say "well is not that easy, and you know that"

At that he rolls his eyes and gets up and says "well is not easy because you complicate things too much Summer...." when he says that I feel tears in my eyes and I say "what?" He then says "ok sorry I'm being so straight forward but we don't get a lot of time to have practice with Julie and I really want get this songs ready and you're messing it up with your problems...." he stops talking seeming to realise what he just said and I get up with a fake smile and trying to control my voice to not cry.

"Your right Luke, I'm messing with your time with Julie, and I'm sorry that my problems are ruining your time together, I'll just leave" I start to walk but Luke starts to speak "summer I didn't..." he doesn't get to finish as I stop and turn around with tears falling off my eyes.

"No,you know what, fuck you Luke, you know what my sister told me that hurt me so much, she said that I was pathetic because I was your manager, she said that you guys took pity on me and you just keep me around to not hurt me"

When I say that he goes to say something but I stop him as I continue "that hurt me because I consider you guys my second family, you guys are my best friends and the people I trust the most, but I was so stupid to think that unlike my family you guys cared about me and my feelings, it seems I was wrong, I will always be second, I was second to my sister and I'm second to the band, so now that my problems mess with your band you don't care so much about me, so let me make this easier for you, you don't have to deal with them or me anymore. I quit. You can go back to practice"

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