Chapter 16

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I stop at his voice but I don't turn around.

"Please, leave me alone" I say and I hear a sigh that tells me that his not going to leave me alone.

"Summer where are you going to go? You can't ignore us forever" he says with a sad voice and I turn to look at him still with tears failing from my eyes.

"It doesn't matter, I can just keep going forever, it's not like I get tired or sleep" he looks frustrated with me and says "please Summer just come home with me"

I just shake my head and I say "I can't Alex, he really hurt me"

He takes a step forward and says "I know, and he's a real idiot, and he knows it two, he's been beating himself up all day"

I then look down feeling my tears fall harder as I say "why-y did he say-y that" I say stuttering and Alex looks at me with a lot of guilt and sadness.

"I don't know... but I think you should talk to him"

I shake my head and I say "i-i can't, I can't face him"

Alex takes a step towards me and says "you can summer! Just please come with me"

I look down hearing that and Alex continues " please summer, your the sister I never had, just listen to him, give him a chance" I see tears in Alex's eyes and I see the rawness of his feelings and I say "okay"

He smiles and says "come on, It's going to be okay"

I nod my head and he takes my hand and we poof together, where we stand in front of the studio, the doors are closed but I can hear him and Alex turns to look at me and says "I'm going to tel him you're here, if you really don't want to listen to him just don't run, come to me and I'll be there for you okay?" I nod my head and Alex starts to walk away but I stop him as I say "Alex" he turns to look at me and I say "thanks" he smiles and says "your welcome little sis"

He then passes the door and I can hear some voices but I just try and call myself down.

You can do this, just listen to him, let him explain.

I close my eyes and take deep breaths and I try to relax

"your so pathetic, you came back to the guy that basically told you that he doesn't care about you" I flinch a little at my sisters voice in my head and I start to freak out, I have to get out of here, she's right.

I turn to go away from here when suddenly a voice stops me.

"Summer?" I turn to see Luke standing  in front of me, with his big jacket that I love on him and I just take another step back.

"You came" he says and takes a step forward but I just take a step back and I start to shake my head and say "I-I shouldn't have, I have to go" I turn to leave again when I feel his hand on my arm and I turn to see his green eyes looking at me with sadness "please, don't go" we stand there looking at each other when he says "let me take you somewhere"

I look at him weirdly and I say "what?" He just looks at me with a pleading look at says "just please, trust me"

When he says that I feel tears staring to fall and I say "should I?" He just takes my hand in his and says "please" I look down and nod my head and that's all it takes for us to poof out.

When we appear again I first don't really recognise where we are but then as I look at the instruments around me, and the old doors and I gasp. Where in the music room.

I turn to look at him and I see a lot of emotion on his eyes, and then he smiles a small smile and says "you remember this place right?"I look around once again and I say "this is the place we met"

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