Chapter 10

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After that little moment I go and see the guys waiting outside for me and Reggie says "finally what took you so long?"

I look at Luke and I see a smirk on his face that I just want to slap and I just say "be grateful that I'm coming at all, now let's go"

We all poof out and suddenly I'm in a school gym. Wow how I miss this.

When Julie notices us she turns and says "what are you doing here?"

Luke than respond with "we wanna watch you stick it to the man, isn't that right guys?"

I nod my head but then Reggie says "man, I miss high school" and then we look at where is looking

A group of girls is dancing and singing, all of them wearing really bright clothes and what I hope are wigs, wow music did change a lot.

I look at their performance and I can't help but feel jealous of their dance moves, I wish I could dance like that.

Suddenly Alex starts to make a dance move to imitate them and I laugh doing the same but when Julie sees she seems to get nervous and Luke looks at us and makes a stop it motion.

"Sorry" I say and he just smiles and I just smile back. Sudden the music stops and that's when our moment ends and I see the main girl of the group go in front of her group and she waves to the crowed of students and says  " thank you, thank you, I love you too!, make sure to check out my new YouTube video!, oh go bobcats" whats a YouTube?

She then turns to leave and all of the other girls follow and I laugh at them "their clothes are something else" I say and Reggie looks at me and says "I would love to see you in that, it would be priceless"

I slap his arm and suddenly two woman go and stand in front of the stage talking to the students and that's when Julies friend turns to her and says "now is your chance. Go talk to her, see you in music class"

She then goes and seats on the bleachers and I hear the woman who looks to be a principle try to do a joke that doesn't work and I shake my head feeling awkward.

"What are you waiting for, this is your time" Reggie says when Julie stands there looking at us with a panic look.

"Are you okay Julie?" I ask staring to feel worried and Alex says "yeah. I mean, you look really nervous. Like yack in a bowl nervous" I nod my head and she turn to look at Luke and says "I just don't think I had enough time to work on the song"

Luke then turns to look at her and says "I wouldn't have given you the song if I didn't think you were gonna rock it, now there's a piano on that stage with your name on it"

I look at the stage and sure enough, there's a perfectly placed piano there, well that's convenient.

She looks at us and we nod for her to go and she smiles and passes us to go to the stage and I start to feel nervous, for her and the boys. But also for what I'm about to do.

Can I do it?

I turn to Luke when she leaves and I say "are you sure about this?" He just smiles at me and says "what did I tell you, it's all going to be okay"

I nod my head and I turn to see Julie going to the stage looking scared and when she seats on the piano I start to notice that people are starting to leave and I start to panic, it's now or never.

She looks at us when she makes the first notes but stops and Luke says from behind me "you got this!"

She looks at the piano again and then she starts to play it.

When she starts to sing a light appears on her and I see people staring to stop and look at her probably wondering what's going on but I smile at the boys feeling kinda proud of her, she's doing it.

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