Chapter 12

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"What did you do?" Immediately he looks panicked but he quickly tries to cover it by putting his hands behind his back and starts to walk backwards to Reggie.

"I don't know what you talking about, I just went to get something" I look at him with a I don't believe you face and I say with crossed arms "really? What's behind you in your hands"

He puts he's hands on his front and I see a piece of paper on his hands and he says "it's just a poem"

I take a step closer to him and I say "your poem right?" He doesn't look at me and when I look at Reggie he also looks up avoiding my eyes.

"Lucas Patterson answer me right know" he flinches a little and says really quickly "itsapoemfromJuliesdreambox"

I immediately go and try to take it but he puts his hand up and I can't reach it and I say "Luke! This is Julies personal stuff! What's wrong with you guys"

He just keeps it on top of me and when I almost get it he says "reg catch!" And Reggie takes it from him

I try to leave Luke and go behind him but two arms stop me and pull me to a chest that I know "Luke let me go!"

He just keeps me there while I try to fight and Reggie looks at me with a scared and worried face "Reggie go, I got this" when he says that Reggie says "I'm sorry Sum" and poofs out making me angry.

"Luke!" He doesn't let me go and after what feels like forever I finally give up and put my tired body against his to calm myself.

"Finally, I was thinking that we had to tranquilize you" I laugh a little and then I get my frown again "you can't keep doing that, Julie is going to be mad when she finds out"

I feel his hand rubbing my side and I close my eyes loving the feeling "it's a pretty great poem, and I thing is going to be a good song that's why I took it, me and Reg where thinking about making it and showing it to Julie"

I sigh a little and he says in my ear "come on Summer, don't be mad we are just trying to help Julie", when he says that I smile and I say "fine, but she's going to be pissed you know" he laughs at that and suddenly he kisses my head and says "yeah I do"

This feels right.

I laugh and when he lets me go I almost miss his warmth and he says "hey Reg! You can come back"

Reggie poofs in right away and I say "wait, you were outside this whole time?" He just shrugs and says "yap,so...let's make a song shall we" I shake my head with a laugh and I turn to Luke and say "can I help?"

He smirks at me and says "don't need to ask, you already know the answer" I smile back and I go to the piano right away seeing Luke and Reggie going to their instruments "okay what you got?"


"I think that it would be cool if you did like a echo" I say and I play the piano in the part that I'm talking about.

"My life, my life would be real low flying solo ohoh, ohoh" when I do it they smile and Reggie says "I like that, your really good at this Summer"

I smile at that and Luke says "why didn't you help us with music before?" I shrug my shoulder when he asks that and I say "I just... I didn't want to mess with your guys stuff" he smiles sadly at me and I just try to change the subject and say "what do you have Luke?"

He smiles and I know that he knows that I'm changing the subject but he just prepares his guitar and says "what do you think of this riff " and he starts to play and I nod my head to the sound with Reggie doing the same.

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