Chapter 2

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After we flew from the ambulances that were trying to safe us, and failed obviously, we came into a dark room, just the four of us and that's exactly were we still are. Seating on the ground and against a black wall.

I hear Alex's cries and I try to control myself to not cry again, I think I had enough.

"This sucks" I hear Reggie say and I laugh, and when I start I can't stop laughing and suddenly I'm laughing like a crazy person.

I start to feel tears coming to my eyes and I continue to laugh, feeling the pressure in my lungs that I need to breathe.

"Uhh Summer are you alright?" I get up when I hear Luke say that and that's when I stop laughing.

I haven't spoken since we came here, in shock that we died at 17, and by eating a fucking hot dog, but now the words just come out of my mouth.

"Am I alright? Really that's the question you guys are asking me?" I look at them with a pissed off face and they all look at each other with scared and confused faces.

"We are DEAD! Don't you guys get that! I'm never going to see my, dad and sister again! And you know what the police is going to say when they tell them, they are going to say "we are very sorry, your daughter has died because she ate a freaking hot dog"" I pause for dramatic effect and to breath and I continue screaming "A FUCKING HOT DOG KILLED ME!  So no Luke, my answer to your question is that I'm not okay, none of this is okay, we are 17! We haven't even ended school, I'm not ready to die"

That's when my anger turns into sadness and I fall into my knees crying and having a panic attack.

"Summer? Hey Summer breathe!" I feel pressure in my chest and I just gasp trying to breathe.

Suddenly I'm not in the ground anymore and when I feel myself stand up I feel arms go around me and I'm pressed into a chest with my face against it and I feel a chin go on top of my head and I start to hear the beating of a heart

"I'm not ready to die either, I never apologised to my parents about running from them, and now I'll never will" I hear Luke's calm voice against my head and I start to relax in his hold.

"We still have each other, and that's all we need" I nod my head and when I my breathing calms down and I feel my heart beating normally I feel his arms go away from me and I almost want to reach out and put them around me again, but I can't.

When I look I see Alex and Reggie looking at me with sad smiles and I feel myself blush as I clean my tears with my sleeve and say with a small smile of embarrassment.

"I'm sorry, I... I just needed to vent" they just get up as well and Reggie says "that's okay, one of us had to do it eventually, i thought it would be Alex for sure" Alex looks offended at him and says "hey!" with a mad face. I laugh at their attitude and when I look at Luke I see him already looking at me with  a small smile as he says "there's that beautiful smile"

Oh Jesus were we go. I feel myself getting beet red and I just look down and try to hide my smile.

Suddenly I start to hear a notice and we all go quiet trying to hear it better. When I finally realise what it is I gasp.

"That's your song!" As soon as I say that the room starts to shine and suddenly the floor that was on our feet disappears and we start to fall.

"Ahhhhhh" we all scream falling down not understanding what's happening until I see a bright light and then I crash against something solid under me.

I hear the boys groan around me and I start to get up feeling my head hurt.
We all get up and I look around realising where we ended up, the bands studio.

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