I carefully opened the envelope of the first letter and unfolded the beige paper and began to read.

   Dear Nirvana,
      I hope you're doing ok, my mother told me about you staying with the Marais and I just wanted to say that I'm sorry. I promised you I would find a way to fix the whole arranged marriage thing but instead I spent the entire summer messing around, but I promise that I will find another way, and I'm serious about it this time. No more messing around because this is important to me and even more important that you since you're future depends on it.

Bur tell me dear, how are you doing? Physically and mentally! I'm doing fine, I miss you a lot but every night I look up at the sky and hope you're looking at it as well, and the stars. Oh the stars, they remind me so much of you, and it's all because of that sea of stars you have as eyes. I love you, so much, and remember that if I could give you the moon I would, because you deserve it all.

         -Yours forever, Draco

    Dear Nirvana,
       You have no idea how much I miss you. You didn't reply to my last letter and I'm just hoping that maybe it just got lost in the mail and that you're safe. But tell me dear, how are you doing? I'm doing fine, I miss you like always and just sit around the manor doing nothing at all. Times are better when I'm with you, trust me on that one.

Your mom sent me a letter, she asked me to stop sending you letters. What's that all about? You don't have to answer if you don't want to of course, but I'm just really curious. Are you ok? If you're reading this please find a way to answer to this because I have to know dear. I love you to the moon and back.

            - Yours forever, Draco

Dear Nirvana,

      Are you ignoring me are you just not safe? I really need to know

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Are you ignoring me are you just not safe? I really need to know. If you're ignoring me please tell me as as soon as possible, I don't want to keep falling for someone who might not even want to be with me anymore. But even if you aren't ignoring me, please answer. I love to the moon and back.

- Yours forever, Draco
Dear Nirvana,

I need you. You probably saw what happened on the daily prophet, but if you haven't, my father was sent to Azkaban. Time has been really hard for my mother and I, but specially since I don't have you by my side during these horrible times.

How are you doing dear? Do you miss me like I miss you? Because I miss you...A lot. I miss seeing the sea of stars in your eyes, and your lips against mine. Cheesy right? But it's the truth. Write back soon, I love you to the moon and back.

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