Day 4 Autumn Vibes - Sweaters & Scarves

Start from the beginning

Looking up, she sees Keith smiling. She returns the smile only to see the girls who were talking leap into action. Pidge falters, just for a second, maybe he wasn't talking to her. These girls were gorgeous. Tall, curvy and had some amazing hair! Maybe he...except Pidge's mind quickly recognized that Keith just bypassed the girls and bumped her shoulder.

"I didn't know you would be here! Acxa wanted to stop in", lowering his voice-he whispered, "I think she likes Veronica. She always knows where she is!"

I can't help but smile and laugh, "Well, that's good news. Because Veronica is always asking about Acxa!"

Keith nods. "Great. So what are you doing here? I didn't think this was your scene?"

"Yeah, we just finished a" She ends with a shrug.

Keith nods, "Us too. Well not a project but our job was done, and well Acxa needed a ride so here I am."

I offer, "Lance was supposed to come but he bailed. I'm kinda worried about him. Have you talked to him?"

"Uh, no not recently. I talked to Shiro, I thought he was doing better?"

"I dunno. I"

Suddenly Bill was back at my side...again too close. I can feel myself stiffen up. Does he not understand personal space?!? I instinctively step back but that puts me solidly in Keith's space. Oh well, if I had to choose.

"So uh, do you want to dance?"

"What?" I stare stupidly at Bill, trying to figure out if he has shown any interest in me before. I don't think so but I'm really bad at reading between the lines so I'm not one hundred percent sure. I mean he walked me home but I thought all the guys just did that after late nights.

Suddenly, I feel Keith's arms envelope me. He pulls me closer to his body, his arms wrapped tightly around my middle and suddenly I'm leaning into him, allowing him to support my weight. He feels so much more solid than a few years ago and I just feel myself relaxing. I mean it's Keith.

Bill looks disturbed. I hope he just drops it and walks away before it gets even weirder. Of course, fate likes to fuck with me so nope.

He questions, "So who is this? Another friend?"

I can feel myself tense and open my mouth to reply when suddenly Keith interjects, "Nope. Not another friend. Try boyfriend. And who the hell are you?"

I freeze, I want to look up at Keith but I also don't want to look like this is news to me. So I essentially do nothing.

Bill retorts, "I never heard of no 'boyfriend'. Where have you been? I've been working with Katie for six months now."

Keith growls, "I've been on a top secret mission to help a planet essentially move all it's population to a planet that wasn't going to blow up. Sorry if you didn't know-you don't have the clearance.' He then wraps his hand around the scarf I'm wearing, pulling it into Bill's line of vision.

"See this? It's my scarf that she's wearing." He then shows the Blade insignia on the tag that matches his shirt. His eyes look hard and he holding me tighter than before. I can feel every muscle against my back and look up at Bill. He looks like he's going to argue when Acxa and Veronica move over.

"Hey Keith, glad you could make it!" Veronica looks at me, eyebrow arched, silently asking if things were okay.

I nod, hoping they don't out us. I may not be with Keith but I definitely don't want to dance with Bill. And honestly, there is zero chance that I won't back up Keith.

Acxa follows up Veronica's statement with, "Hey Pidge, what time is the family dinner tomorrow? Keith's mom forgot already."

I reply absently, "Oh, it's four. My parents hate to eat late and we planned a Monopoly night afterward."

"Great, Keith, I'll text Krolia. Oh, yeah, I'm going home with Veronica so I assume you and Pidge are good?"

"Of course."

They leave and then the 3 of us are just standing awkwardly there. Keith then lets go and grabs hold of my hand. "C'mere."

I follow and suddenly we are dancing, really close. But the funny thing is...I don't mind. It feels natural and I just let my eyes close and lean my head on Keith's shoulder. There is literally no space between us and I don't feel uncomfortable. After a few songs, Keith pulls me to the bar and gets us both a beer.

After a few, I kinda realize that I'm all in his space and he is letting me. I'm literally leaning against him in between his legs as he sits on the stool. I absently think I should move but,  I'm too comfortable and relaxed. This is the most relaxed I've been all night. At some point, Ina gets me on the dance floor again and I'm realize, I'm having fun. I can see Keith with his smirk, I see other Blades and Garrison officers but I can't help enjoying myself. Finally Keith comes up to me and growls in my ear, "I think you've had enough, let's get home."

I nod, not really recognizing the words he used.

The next day, after lunch but before monopoly, Keith and I are alone. I finally work up the nerve to ask what happened since we weren't really dating. Keith freezes for one instant, then replies. "You know that scarf you are wearing?"

Fingering it, I reply, "Yeah, you sent it to me. Right? I love it, it's so soft and just makes me happy. Plus it's super warm!"

"Um yeah, so it's sort of a courtship scarf, something that was done a long, long time ago. So, the way it works, give it to someone who you want to court. And um, if they like you, they accept the scarf. But it works like on a different level too, subconsciously, so even if you don't know you like me, if you did then you'd keep it. But if you didn't feel the same, you would, um not. So when I saw you with it on, I knew you liked me on some level."


"I think, um, do you? I mean, there was that Bill guy. I just reacted so should I apologize?"

I looked at Keith, who looked nervous. This is the guy who would fight anyone and would have offered his life for us without hesitating. I pause, realizing I do. I smile and lean forward kissing him on the mouth, 'Yeah I do. But just so you know, you are never getting this scarf back! It's officially mine...just like you."

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