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"Wh-what?! Excuse me?"

Namjoon sighted, he knew you won't agree on this so bluntly.

"I-.. Soel look, we weren't planning on this, but this current situation made you know a bit too much. You see, we can't just let you go like that after you saw " behind the scenes" of our gang and discovered that we weren't kind of legal.. "

Namjoon awkwardly laughed but his eyes showed no emotion. The emotions and warmth you've seen in him before, as you were playing on the beach and catching little crabs, was nonexistent right now. The way he looked at you as if you were an enemy and not his friend. How fast they pull up their stance and are ready to attack you no matter what, is terrifying. You were lost and you couldn't think of anything as your body produced adrenaline.

"You see.. if you don't agree on joining our 'gang'"

He made quotation marks with his fingers as if casually stating the word GANG. A fucking gang.

"We will have to.."

He then tilted his head, slightly bit his lip and looked to the side, as if annoyed, trying to hold himself or as if preventing something from happening.

" kill you."

"I can do that right now" Yoongi's voice encountered, his smirk and filthy eyes were noticeable behind Jungkook's shoulder. He looked at you making an eye contact, a gun still visible in his hand. And a goddamn knife in other, he looked like a total  psychopath.

"And that's why we're giving you an option Soel" Namjoon loudly stated, making sure that Yoongi heard that clearly and correctly,  before he could do something really bad. Jungkook just put an arm in front of Yoongi's chest, making sure that this guy is secure and won't come at you, before you notice it.

This doesn't calm you for a bit, even if Jungkook is keeping an eye on Yoongi now, doesn't mean he will do that later.

Yoongi is unstable.

"We trust you, Soel."

A ginger haired guy, quickly stated his words and smiled, kind of trying to calm you and persuade you on joining.

You'd instantly thing of "Oh, Jimin is so warm, that's very sweet of him, that he trusts me" No.

They know well about psychology tricks.

And that is very terrifying.

Jimin tried to sort of hypnotize you and create a feeling of comfort so you could blindly trust him and agree on whatever they said to you.

As if your mind was putting the puzzle pieces one by one, you thought about odd strengths of each member. Hoseok is good at creating or keeping emotions. He's very good at acting and can create a certain atmosphere, attractive for it's prey. This way he can create false comfort zone and false safety. Just like Hoseok, Jimin is also good at keeping the prey close. But instead of actions, touches and expressive emotions like Hoseok, Jimin uses his words and plays with intonation, creating silky comfortable words that you really want to believe in. You sink into his words as if in trace, you sonely become disinterested in your own beliefs and common senses.

A human always needs consent and statement that he surely does a right thing. Remember how you ask others if you're doing something right? Like, following a map or going on the right bus stop? Maybe fixing something or creating? Cooking or tidying? "Am I doing it right?", "Is that okay?", "Am I really doing this right?". The sentences you say, when you're vulnerable and out of control. When you don't know what to do exactly trying to make whatever things go right. Jimin knows how people's brain works and he uses such vulnerabilities to attack. "Keep your friends close, but keep the enemies closer", this phrase is very common in their tactics. Atleast that's how Hoseok and Jimin do. Are they trying to befriend me? There's surely something suspicious about Jimin and Hoseok. So what should I do?

"So, what do you say?"

Hoseok leaned and put his hand under the chin, supporting it. He was genuinely interested in your thoughts as he didn't even see a glimpse of how bad the things sound. "Join us or we will kill you" certainly doesn't sound bad

"Well... do I have an option?"
You laughed awkwardly, trying to pin point out the irony. Right, let them taste their own medicine. I should act dumb for now. I'm in a really vulnerable position and don't really have a choice. It's just confusing me why are they still holding me alive. Am I worth something? Am I really worth something?

"There's always an option"
Yoongi shouted with a smirk on his face and winked at you.

"Seriously, what is wrong with this guy?"

Jungkook responded, he didn't see that funny and just didn't support Yoongi's attitude. Sure, he's great assassin, but hello. This is an unlucky girl, who was accidentally dragged into this stuff.

It looked like Jungkook was the only sane person in this household.

"So you're in right?"

Namjoon looked at you, crossing his hands and putting on a questional look.


You stated, the silence filled the room as no one knew what to say so far. What to ask, where to begin... only the leader, the glue of the group, once again spoke.

"Say, do you have any skills? Archery? Fencing? MMA? Thai box?"

"....I'm from an orphanage. It wasn't that rich to actually provide such things as an additional extracurricular activities."

You put a lot into a word "orphanage" pushing the atmosphere so your sentence would sound more powerful and more gullible. Of course with a spark of "are you kidding me" face

"Oh right, sorry. Umm..."

Namjoon awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck, trying to find a sentence to say.

"I've read a lot of books about medicine.. and.. um.. I can theoretically perform some operations. You see, as I got abused a lot of times back then, I've stayed a lot in medical cabinet with the nurse. We kind of became friends. Soon I've started spending all my free time at hers and she gave me a lot of books to pass time on, which were about medicine."

Let them know a bit of truth, you don't want to completely show all your cards. They don't know about programming and hacking.

You're not quite sure if your knowledge of Python language is going to play good on you, so you don't want to talk about it with them yet. You really hope they are not good at hacking or just use a different language.

"Understandable, you'd come really handy if any members will get damage."

Namjoon stated, holding his chin in his fingers and slightly rubbing it while looking somewhere on the side.

He's probably thinking where I'd be useful for, something other than medicine. Does he think that medical skills are probably not enough..?

It took a moment of silence for Namjoon to process everything and say another question or a statement. His deep voice encountered your eardrums once again, but still were a bit muffled by the sound of a driving vehicle.

"So, as soon as we'll get to our another base, we'll start training."

Namjoon stated, but this time you saw as if life flowed into his eyes and they sparked, a friendly and welcoming smile plastered on his face.

Maybe they are not that bad after all?


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