Chapter 2

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Trees flicked past. My head rested on the window of the car and I stared out at the cars. My music was blaring so I didn't hear any of the conversations my parents were having. I was devastated. That morning I had spent almost an hour saying goodbye to all of my friends then I spent the rest of the morning with Jason down on the beach. When I returned my mum made me change into some proper clothes so that I could help pack the truck. As soon as we were in the car I began to cry silently, my old life just finished and my new life was just beginning. The sun had gone from high in the sky to near the horizon. There was still another two hours until we reached the outskirts of the city I would soon call home. My eyelids slowly got heavier and heavier like small lead weights were trying to get them to close. As the sun hit the horizon I slipped into oblivion.

When I awoke it was dark. We were in a neighbourhood filled with expensive houses and large gardens. As we turned down a small one-way lane another pair of headlights followed and I felt a shiver run down my spine. Something bad was about to happen. Up in front of us, two motorbikes turned into the lane and started to drive towards us. 'Dad?' I quaked. 'They're going the wrong way.'

'We know honey,' my mum comforted. Dad sped up to hopefully to get them to pull over. There was still a fair distance between us and the motorbikes but the car had definitely gained ground. 'What's happening?' I began to tremble uncontrollably. There wasn't enough space for the car to go around us and the motorbikes would be lucky if they managed to get past. The car was now less than a meter from the back of our car. 'Speed up,' mum ordered. Dad did so and the car behind us did as well. 'Faster,' her voice was raised slightly. Dad's foot pressed down a little more on the accelerator. 'Dad,' I whispered, shaking, 'They're not backing down.'

'Faster. We need to get away from them,' mum's voice was shaking and tears began spilling from her eyes.

'I am,' dad growled. I glimpsed the speedometer and the red rod was moving up. Dad was almost going eighty in a one-way lane. The bricks of the walls that seemed to be closing in around us flashed past. A loud bang rang out and one of our headlights smashed and went out. Another two rang out and a red liquid splattered the windscreen in front of mum. I knew exactly what that red liquid was. 'Mum!' I screamed. Another three rang out and more liquid covered the windscreen. Pain exploded in my left arm and I cried out in pain but no one heard me because they were gone. The car surged forward. Dad's foot was still on the pedal! I screamed as the car smashed into one of the walls. My body was thrown forward and I hit my forehead on the back of dad's seat, my vision blurred but glass smashed and something like pins dug themselves into the soft tissue of my arms and face. I was vaguely aware of warm liquid trickling from where the sharp pins had dug into my skin. My vision became foggy and I couldn't remember what happened next.

I groaned and my eyes slowly opened. I swear I became blind. The white lights on the thing above me blinded me. I moved my elbows to help levitate my shoulders. 'Lay back down sweetie.' A gentle arm pushed me back down.


'You're in the hospital. You are a very, very lucky girl,' a young-looking lady responded to my unspoken question. The memories came flooding back and knocked the breath out of me. My parents were dead, our car smashed up against a brick wall in one of the backstreets in the expensive part of Sydney. I thought my life was going to be bad before, now, it's worse. Tears flowed freely from my eyes, I didn't know how to stop crying or even if my body would be able to support all this sadness. 'Oh sweetie. Don't cry.' The touch of another human seemed to soothe me, the nurse began to rub my arms. 'Go back to sleep.' It may have been the medication I was on because I went out like a light and some sort of blackness swept inside me.

The next time I awoke pain laced every bone and joint in my body. I could barely move. The same nurse from last time was scanning a clipboard in her hands. 'Welcome back,' she chirped.

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