Chapter 30

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'What does that mean? Does this have anything to do with Piper?'

'Yes and no. You'll hurt her soon, you know that. She'll eventually find everything out, even the stuff you've kept from us. It took me ages to figure it out but I've found out your secret.'

'What secret? I've got nothing to hide,' Levi protested angrily.

'How come you were a block away when Piper's parents died? How come that in every mission since then you've always been a block and a bit away? How come, tonight your predictions were off again and you were within a block of them? Explain.'

What the fuck was going on? My hands trembled and I could feel the blood draining from my face.

'I don't know, maybe Theodore knows me too well, knows my strategies.'

'Sorry buddy but that doesn't match up with my results, your digital fingerprint remains. I found the texts between the two of you, stating where you planned to intercept them so that they could somehow slip past.'

I gasped and tears sprung in my eyes. They'd been working together, Levi and Theodore.

'Piper's parents were meant to come down the street I was on!' Levi blurted loudly before quickly looking up to see if anyone had heard.

'But they ended up in a street where no one was around to save them?' Matthew asked in a suspicious quiet voice. I couldn't listen to anything else, if I did I was bound to burst in and do something I'd regret. I turned and fled from the situation, holding back a river of tears.

I walked past the living room and the merriments going on inside. I think I heard someone yell, 'Piper.' But I had gone too far into myself to register anything beyond my own thoughts and emotions circling around inside like a hurricane. Had Levi been behind it all? Had I just been a pawn in some game? Was everything between Levi and I fake? It was between Theodore and me, if Levi chose Theodore he couldn't have me, but if he chose me then he couldn't have Theodore. Blood is obviously thicker than water in Levi's books. If it had been biassed from the beginning then there was no point staying with them. I had to find the base on my own and I had the feeling that I knew exactly where it was. 

I shouldered open the door to Levi's bedroom and rushed over to my duffle bag in the corner that Levi still hadn't gotten rid of. I packed a few new things and climbed out the window onto the rain-slicked concrete ledge. Thunder boomed and lightning flashed. I threw my bag to the ground and a pair of runners before leaping into the pool. The rumble of thunder hid the sound of the splash. I swam to the edge and hauled myself out and ran to my bag. I stuffed the runners in and hefted the bag onto my shoulder before running around the side of the house. The rain had reached a torrential level that would've been hard to see through in daylight, let alone nighttime. I struggled through the rain, my bag was soaked, my hair was soaked, my clothes were soaked, I was freezing cold, my teeth were chattering, my fingers and toes were numb, and still I had to keep moving away from Levi and his connections with Theodore. Levi and Theodore had been scheming the whole time. I stomped in a puddle. They had been working together, probably planning how to kill me. I stomped in another puddle. Levi had been preventing us from capturing Theodore or killing him this whole time. He'd been leading us around in circles, feeding us lies, treating us as his own pawns in a game of chess. One he and Theodore planned on winning. 

I stood under the shelter of a bus stop, waiting for either the rain to pass or for a bus to arrive. I figured that the latter would be faster. I had put on shoes after stepping in god knows what multiple times. The lightning and thunder were still booming and flashing every few minutes but the rain intensity had dropped to a steady fall. Headlights appeared in the distance and I brushed back my soaking hair to look slightly less like a drowned rat and more like a civilised person. A bus pulled up and the doors opened. A plump old man, one that has those kind, crinkling eyes and rosy cheeks, caterpillar eyebrows and a warm smile, stared down at me curiously. 'My dear, what on earth are you doing out in this weather dressed like that, not even a raincoat,' he tsked. 'Come on, climb aboard, I can't leave you sitting there like that. Who knows what ungodly people will come by, it simply will not do. Come on, out of the cold. Do you have money?'

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