Chapter 40

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'Hello? Can you hear me?' a woman with a strong but honey slicked voice asked. I blinked at the bright lights and noises around me. What on earth? Where was I?

'Can you hear me, Piper?' the woman repeated.

How did she know my name?

'Piper, I'm a paramedic. I'm taking care of you for the time being. I need to put this in your arm,' she said, showing a tube attached to a blood bag. 'You have lost a critical amount of blood and I need to put some back in your body.'

I nodded and tried to offer her but I couldn't. I was exhausted. I needed to sleep. I began to close my eyes but the lady jabbed a needle into my arm and I flinched awake.

'Sorry, Piper, but I need you to stay awake. If you fall asleep, you could be asleep for days.'

'Oh.' I'd been asleep for a while with only nightmares to accompany me. Did she mean that it would happen again if I drifted off again?

'How about I ask you some questions? Something to keep your mind active?'


'Where are you from?'

Where was I from? I remembered two cities, one with an older couple watching over me, and one with a young man watching over me. I scrunched my brow in concentration. Was I from the first or the second? Did I move to the second city?

'Piper, do you know the answer?' the woman pressed gently.

'I think... maybe... the first city.'

'What is the first city's name?'

'I-I don't know. But there are lots of p-people and buildings,' I stuttered.

'Is there a massive bridge there? One in the shape of a semicircle?' the woman inquired.

'N-No. I don't think so.'

'Ok. So not Sydney.'

'Sydney? What's Sydney?'

'It's a city. You've been living here for a while.'

'Living here? Why?'

'I don't know but your boyfriend might, or these two douchebags,' she said with a smile, pointing at two guys sitting in wheelchairs not far from where I was laying. They flashed wonky smiles my way and wheeled themselves closer to the side of what I was laying on.

'Hey, Piper, how you feeling?' the tanned man with chestnut coloured hair and sea blue eyes asked.

'Do I know you?' I cocked my head to the side and immediately regretted it as my vision spun and spots appeared.

'Oh shit,' the pale man with Asian features reached forward and cupped my face. 'Look at me,' he ordered. I focused on his inky eyes and the cool of his hands on my skin. He smiled, 'Better. I'm Jake and this is Matthew. You've been living with our friend, Levi, for a while now.'

Levi. Why did that sound so familiar? Jake and Matthew, I'd heard those names before. 'I-I recognise those names.'

Their shoulders sagged and they both let out enormous sighs.

'Am I meant to'? I asked.

'I'd be hoping that you'd recognise them. Here, look at this,' the chestnut-haired guy –Matthew– flipped his phone around so that a photo of a girl, maybe around my age, was smiling brightly with her arm draped over a guy also similar in age. 'It's a picture of your best friend from Melbourne, where you used to live.'

Realisation dawned on me. I definitely knew her. Almost every memory I had made over the years had her face etched into it. 'Hol...'

The two men glanced at each other, relief in their eyes and turned back to me eagerly.

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