Chapter 41

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'Please,' I begged the nurse. 'Just once, and just for a short time.'

'Oh, alright,' the middle-aged nurse sighed. 'I know you'll sneak over anyway with or without me so I may as well take you now and help you get there cos, honey, there is no way you'd make it ten steps by yourself.'

I smiled brightly at her and let her take out some tubes and reattach them once she had helped me manoeuvre myself into a wheelchair. She called another nurse into the room to help her transport me down the hallway three doors.

My memory had returned and I could now remember as much as before the incidents. In my dreams, I sometimes relived certain times that drove me mad or scared me to death and the nurses would come in and wake me up from my screaming nightmares.

My leg and back throbbed painfully when the anaesthetics were wearing off, and would continue throbbing until a new dose was injected into my system. There were hundreds of stitches in my leg plus more all up my arm and glue on my skull. A bandage was wrapped firmly around my head and made me feel as though my brain wasn't wobbling every time I moved my head. I'd decided to keep the brand instead of getting it cut off. It added character to my back, along with the scars I was bound to get from the lashes I'd received. I had a splint put on my nose after a surgery to correct its position from wonky to straight. I'd gotten enough blood transported back into my body to do small tasks like eating and drinking, sitting up and laying back down.

I had been in the middle of practising to sit up and lay back down when my phone had pinged with a message from Scarlett. 'Levi's awake. I'm coming in with the others.'

They'd spent days alternating between me and Levi's unconscious form. Nothing ever changed when it came to Levi, every day he was asleep with a steady heartbeat. I hadn't been told what had happened to Levi but I'd seen him wheeled rapidly over to an ambulance on a stretcher from a distance and I couldn't really tell but there was definitely blood on him. No one had told me why they were in such a hurry to get him whisked off to hospital, I could only guess that it was serious enough to warrant such a speedy exit from the site. All week I had been stressing about his condition more so than my own even though everyone kept telling me I had to worry about my own unstable condition before I started worrying about someone who was in a stable condition, even though he was in a coma. I hadn't listened.

The nurse called another fellow nurse that had been walking down the hallway with a clipboard tucked under their arm to open the door for us. She glanced at my wheelchair and smiled at me with pity. I disliked it but what could I expect? I looked like I'd gone to hell and back with the healing bruises and bandage on my head and the many stitches visible on my legs below the hospital gown. She pushed open the door and continued on her way, pity still shining in her eyes as she turned away from me. I frowned and my frown deepened as I looked into Levi's room. A curtain was obscuring him from the view of anyone entering the room. I could hear his heart rate monitor beeping at a steady pace and for the first time in what felt like years, I allowed myself to stop worrying. As I was wheeled closer, my breathing hitched with nervousness and excitement, I didn't know what to expect. Was he as beaten up as I was? Did he have stitches covering his body? A doctor stepped outside the curtain and looked from both the nurses to me. 'He is not ready to be seen,' he said.

'B-' I began but the nurse shushed me.

'I'm very sorry but all this young lady wants to do is see how he is faring. She only wants proof that he is alive.'

'Do you hear that beep, miss,' the doctor asked me.

I nodded.

'That is his heart beating. He is well and truly alive.'

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