Chapter 27

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Levi swore as he beheld what was on the wall. I took a photo of the two pieces of cloth in case I needed to show them later and nodded grimly at Levi. Anger was still simmering beneath the surface of my skin but fear was certainly taking hold. I left the scene and waited for Levi on the front steps of the building. I was ready for a game of cat and mouse but I needed to turn it on its head; I needed to become the cat and Theo needed to become the mouse. But how?

'Let's go,' Levi said as he strode past, not even glancing my way. 'We've got a monster to catch before anything happens and their life goes to waste.'

Maybe I had hit a few strings. I smiled grimly but pushed off the steps and followed after him.

I stared out the window as Levi flew down a still busy street. I hadn't apologised for what I said and he hadn't apologised for holding me back. We'd been sitting in an awkward silence for the last few minutes. He'd growled into the ear communicator that there had been a change of plans and Jake had joked about it but Levi had snapped: "Shut the fuck up, I'm thinking." Scarlett and Matthew had chimed in saying that they hadn't even slowed down when going past the spot where Levi smashed the phone. There had been silence ever since then. Levi slammed on the brakes as the lights changed to red and I was flung forward, bumping my head against the window. I'd forgotten to put on a seatbelt when I had climbed in, too focused on the jumble of thoughts inside my head. Levi turned into a multi-level parking lot and pulled up beside a silver Mustang with tinted windows. Levi put his window down at the same time the other vehicle did and David's face replaced the dark glass. 'Change of plans,' Levi said gruffly.

'We know, you told us earlier rather aggressively. I think I deserve an apology,' Jake drawled sarcastically.

'Get your shit together and listen,' Levi responded angrily. I shrunk back in my seat ever so slightly and David's eyes flicked towards me. Pity shone there, amongst annoyance and sadness.

'They want to lure us out with some bait they captured from the side of a club. Piper, show 'em,' he ordered. I glared at the pure arrogance and ownership in that statement. I was not something to just be ordered around, if he said please I would've been more compelled to follow his orders. 'A please would be nice,' I snapped and reluctantly unlocked my phone to message the photos I had taken to Jake.

'They've come back, and they slowed past the spot,' Scarlett practically squealed into our earpieces in excitement. I cringed slightly at the high pitch but stuck through. 'They turned off the street but they could go past the other end of the alley if they take a left at the traffic lights. Somehow they must know where we are if they're avoiding this street.'

I could tell Levi was listening intently to Scarlett so I looked down when my phone buzzed. Jake was staring at me and he flicked his eyes pointedly to the notification from him. I rolled my eyes and opened the message chain.

'Rawr. What happened between you two?'

'It's nothing.'

'I call bullshit. What happened.'

'Nothing major.'


'A small argument.'

'Fucking bull. It wasn't small if Levi is acting like he is.'

'Fine, not a small argument. Better?'

'Sort it out, and quick. This is how a team falls apart.'

'Fine.' I turned my phone off and Levi was looking at the screen in my hand that had been lit up seconds ago. He turned back to Jake and David without even sparing me a glance. If that's how it is; two can play that game. I crossed my arms and looked away as well but I listened to the conversation going on between the boys. 'We'll station Matthew on one side of the Gucci and Prada block and Scarlett on the other. You two will also be separated but I want you to hide your phones in separate buildings two blocks away from there. I think they have used our phone numbers to track us. Scarlett and Matthew will put theirs in stores closer to Gucci and Prada. I need you guys to watch the streets for my black Jeep and a black SUV driving around with a few possible cars separating them. Use these to keep a video tag on them.' I didn't see what he handed them but I did hear the rustle of fabric and a sharp intake of breath. It must've been something the boys didn't get to play with often and the corners of my lips tugged upwards... but only just.

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