Chapter 32

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Intense fear turned me into a statue, I couldn't look away from his sadistic eyes and my whole body trembled. I didn't want him to have this sort of effect on me but I couldn't help it. He petrified me. 'Hello Theo,' I whispered.

His eyes flashed as I used his shortened name. 'Satan,' he snarled, his face contouring in distaste. 'You will address me as Satan, Piper.'

'What if I don't?' Thank the gods that my voice remained steady.

'Well, my angel, the answer is simple...' he paused for dramatic effect, 'You will suffer.'

'What do you mean by suffer?'

'I will inflict punishments upon you as I deem fit. That is between what's already planned. Don't worry, your life will soon be over. No more worries, no more complications, for me that is. You'll just enter a place of eternity. No biggie,' he winked and turned on his heel to leave. 'Sleep while you can. I think you may find it... uncomfortable tomorrow night.'

What the heck did he mean by that? I didn't want to think of any of the possibilities. As soon as I was sure he'd left, I jumped out of bed and vomited in the toilet. How could Levi work with... this. I'd run out of words to describe Theodore and his actions. If I wasn't insane by the time I got out of here, I sure as hell was not alive. The only way to escape would be the death that Theodore offered. I put my head in my hands and began crying. This was not how I expected anything to turn out. Not one bit. It was all majorly fucked up. The son-of-a-bitch had me locked in a godforsaken cell and planned to torture me! Tell me your life is fucked without telling me your life is fucked. A choked, ugly laugh escaped my lips. I couldn't be more correct. This was beyond the movies, all movies and books had grand escapes with no consequences but this wasn't some fictional story, nah, this was real life where shit happens and it comes with a bunch of consequences. 

I remained sitting beside the toilet until a lady – the waitress from the cafe– came and delivered me food and a bottle of water. I sneered at her and she glared back. Once she had given me the food, I placed it on my bed and raised my middle finger at her receding form. 'Did you lace this with drugs too,' I yelled sarcastically.

'Take a bite and find out,' she replied. I scowled but ran back to the bed; I was starving. The porridge was bland but filling and I only drank a few sips of water as I was bound to need it after whatever Theodore had planned. I curled into a ball and rocked backwards and forwards to pass the time until Theodore came to collect me for my first taste of torture. 

I couldn't tell if time passed quickly or slowly. Sometimes I'd be sitting there thinking about what might befall me and I'd have to puke in the toilet at the images in my head. None of my belongings were with me in the cell and the red light of the camera was the only colour to be seen. My eyes were becoming accustomed to waking in the dark and going to sleep and waking again to more darkness. It might've been hours between sleeping with horrific nightmares to waking covered in sweat to only stumble to the sink and splash my freezing face with water. I was in the middle of doing so when expensive shoes clicked on the floorboards and an unfamiliar man wearing a suit with jagged twin scars down one cheek appeared and looked down at me coldly. 'Time to take a walk, girly,' he purred. I slowly turned off the tap and stood as tall as I could. He swiped a card beside the sliding glass panel and ushered me out into the hallway. As soon as his back was turned away from me, I performed a sequence of martial arts moves meant to knock out your opponent but he was also well-versed in them and quickly regained himself after I landed my first blow. I ducked the punch aimed at my face and used the momentum to yank his throat into my awaiting fist. He moved his head quickly so that my fist connected with his jaw instead. Shit. He grabbed my shoulders and threw me into the glass window. I swear I heard my skull crack as it hit the metal surrounding the sliding panel. I groaned and climbed back to my feet only to be slammed back into the glass. He gripped my neck and lifted me off my feet. I gasped for breath, my eyes going wide, kicking my legs, trying to pry his fingers away in a desperate panic. Just as I felt myself slipping away, someone clicked their tongue. 'Now, now,' they tutted. 'Put her down. You'll have plenty of time for that later.'

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