Chapter 23

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A shrill ringing sound exploded from David's pocket. He fished it out and turned the speaker on. 'Get your fucking arse in a vehicle right now!' Jake yelled. I paused with a forkful of spaghetti halfway to my mouth. 'They're on us!' A gun went off and something screeched, possibly tires. 'What the heck,' I mouthed to David.

'Are they on the phone?' someone yelled in the background.

'Yeah,' Jake replied to them, 'Shit, duck!' Glass shattered. 'You sons-of-bitches just don't know when to fucking stop,' he growled. I looked at David who was staring at the phone. A gun went off and David quickly jolted into action.

'We're coming,' he said into the phone and yanked me off my stool. I threw the fork onto my plate and sprinted upstairs to put on sneakers. My bike shorts and oversized t-shirt were going to have to do. I took the three discarded handguns on the bedside table and extra packets of ammo then ran down the stairs. David was right on my heels as I flung open the door and jumped into the passenger seat of his black and yellow sports car. I didn't have time to put on my seatbelt as he reversed onto the road and slammed on the brakes. I grabbed the door handle to prevent myself from flying. A deep scowl of concentration was etched onto David's face as we flew from zero to about seventy in seconds. I looked behind to see defined skid marks in the middle of the road. I fumbled with my seatbelt and finally clicked it in place as David swerved around a corner, narrowly avoiding oncoming traffic. His speedo read eighty kilometres per hour. How on earth there weren't police tailing us, I had no idea. 'Ring them,' he ordered, eyes staring at the road. I rang Jake back on David's phone, he answered with, 'That tyre, aim for the tyre! Hey guys, you on your way?'

'Yeah, where are you?' I turned on the GPS while I waited for a reply. Bullets pinged in the background with more cursing. 'We're on the A8 about to go over the Harbour Bridge. Give me that fucking gun.' A gunshot, followed by another, and another. 'Goddammit.'

'That was pathetic,' Scarlett said in the background. 'Give it back.'

'Fuck you, it's not like you've hit them.' More screeching of tyres and car horns.

'I'm not going to shoot innocent's cars in the process.'

'They'll blow us apart if you don't start shooting. I'd rather put a few dents in some cars than splatter on the road. If you won't shoot, give me the gun.'

'We'll intercept them once you've crossed the bridge,' David said calmly as he turned down a residential street. 'That is if you make it, it's peak hour.'

'We're on the Bridge, it doesn't look too congested. Wait, never mind. Hurry the fuck up Levi, that gap's closing.'

'I am,' Levi growled. 'Duck!' Fabric ripped. 'Shit.'

'You're paying for the damage, this is my favourite car and only car.' More gunshots.

I patched the phone through to the Bluetooth system and added Matthew to the call.

'What's going on?' he asked, something beeped in the background.

'We're about to die because of fucking peak hour traffic,' Jake yelled, 'Go, go, go! X is tailing me, Levi and Scar... Shoot the damned car... Their windscreen is bulletproof.'

'I can't help, I'm still at the agency. I won't make it to you guys in peak hour,' Matthew apologised. 'I'm sorry but you're on your own. I'll call for backup though, just in case.'

He hung up only to dial another number. 'How far along the bridge are you?' David asked.

'Almost halfway. Levi made it through the gap but the car put their brakes on and X got through too.' The speedometer dropped as David hit a tight corner then I was pressed into my seat as the speedo immediately rose to ninety. 'Give me that fucking gun!' Another gunshot. 'Finally.' Car tyres screeched and something went boom. 'Damn! There's more.' David and I sat in silence and listened to Jake's explicit narration of events.

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