Chapter 38

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I couldn't wait to leave this place and if Levi had planned it right, I would soon be free. I deftly replaced the magazines in my two pistols while David and Sam did the same. Scarlett and Jake were still over at the corner; they were bound to be out of ammo soon, in fact, it was a wonder they hadn't unless they'd somehow changed it without me noticing. Levi checked his watch and peered under the door again, it was a wonder the agents on the other side of the door hadn't come in yet, they were bound to have heard the gunshots from Jake and Scarlett battling a group of X agents. I leaned against the wall to take the weight of my leg which was pulsing painfully. I really needed to sit but I had to be ready to move at any given second and even though the edges of my vision were beginning to blur, I put all my mental strength into remaining upright and keeping the blurring at bay. Levi checked his watch again and began hopping from side to side, his eyes glinting in the dark with anticipation. Scarlett and Jake were sprinting from their corner, changing magazines in their guns as they went. Scarlett shut the door and ducked as bullets pelted the other side where her head had been. The wood had splintered in spots so Scarlett jumped up and jammed the barrel of her gun through a weak spot and held the trigger down then she bolted from the door to a metal cabinet and shoved her shoulder against it. Matthew and David ran over to help and with their added strength it moved far more quickly in front of the door. Sam and Levi went to help pile random shit from around the room in front of the door. Tables, more metal filing cabinets, chairs, computer systems, etc. Levi beckoned them back to where Jake and I were watching. Seconds ticked by then suddenly gunshots on the other side of the door and all the agents from the opposite side ran towards them.

'Right on time,' Levi beamed. 'Let's get outta here.' He opened the door quietly and ushered us through but as soon as I left contact with the wall I swayed and toppled onto the ground. I landed on my thigh then stomach and my arms were too weak to prevent my face from colliding with the ground. My skull made a sickening crack as it connected with the cold, hard floor. I groaned and rolled onto my back, warmth trickled down the side of my face. Faces floated before me and I barely registered the prick in my leg and the second prick close to my heart. The peaceful place of sleep sounded like the perfect place to rest for a while. I sighed and started closing my eyes until someone pinched my cheek and I flinched awake. I had the vague sense of floating above the ground, my head lulled lifelessly with each jolt. I must've felt like jelly in whoever's arms were carrying me. Someone pinched me again and I raised an unbelievably weak hand to flick the abuser away. Instead of getting rid of the pincher's hands they grasped mine and squeezed comfortingly. There were echoes of bangs bouncing off the walls of my skull and they never seemed to go away. They never ended. The fingers suddenly let go of mine and a louder bang joined the deafening sound. I reached up and clawed at my skull, I had to get rid of the sound. Tears leaked down my face as my fingers encountered all the puncture holes full of clogged blood that I accidentally removed while trying to get rid of the explosions. I could tell that I'd I was bound to die soon, I'd come so far only to die just before escaping. Hands gripped my wrists and pulled them away from my head. Suddenly, I was jolting again. The echoes in my head had decreased, slightly. With more blood freely flowing out of my body, I knew my time was limited and it was my fault. I should've sat down before and rested so that I could've made this trip in better condition.

We stopped again and gentle hands covered my ears as the echoes began again, but quieter. It was a relief to not hear them as explosions. Now I could sleep. I closed my eyes and someone pinched my cheek.

I could endure the cheek pinching.

Someone grabbed my hands and squeezed them tightly.

It was nice to know that they cared for me.

The hands disappeared from my ears.

Nasty hands. I groaned at the sudden elevation of sound and reached up to claw at my ears but someone grabbed my wrists tight enough to bruise and pulled them away. I hissed because I couldn't fight them any other way. Why couldn't they let me sleep?

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