Chapter 39

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The bullet hit the concrete wall beside Levi's head. 'Nice shot,' he smirked and picked up Matthew and his guns from where they lay a few steps up from the unconscious pair. Sam let their heads drop from his hands. They crumpled to the ground beside the already unconscious guard.

'And nice timing,' Matthew added. As the pair's eyes had followed the path of the guns up the stairs in the opposite direction to Sam's stealthily approaching figure, they'd allowed Sam to get behind them and clash their heads together just as the woman pulled the trigger. The sudden jolt of her head angle had affected the path of the bullet and it was just dumb luck that it hadn't hit Matthew with the altered course.

Sam shrugged and called out to the others waiting below, 'All clear.'

They could hear the gunshots between the Huntsman Team and X above them. They were so close. 

Levi waited until they were all on the platform then he surveyed them all.

Piper's blood dripped from her almost lifeless body onto the floor.

David's stance was filled with determination.

Jake's hands shook as he held Piper's.

Scarlett tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear and aimed her gun down the stairs.

Sam was glaring at Theodore's face hanging over his shoulder.

Matthew stared up the last flight of stairs.

His team.

'Ready?' he whispered.

'Yes,' they chorused, minus Piper and Theodore.

'Then let's leave.' He led the way up the stairs. His heart beat excitedly with each silent step closer to the exit and he allowed himself a small smile. Then he saw the final, thick metal door. It stood slightly ajar and the sounds of an angry battle raged on the other side. He opened the door enough to see through. It was the loading dock under Prada. The Huntsman Team had agents positioned in a semicircle around the room, hidden by crates or trucks. The semicircle covered the exits of the room including the enormous elevators and the door Levi now stood inside. The police were undoubtedly positioned outside the garage doors at the top of the ramps. Black-clad bodies were strewn across the floor, and puddles of blood seeped out from beneath the bodies and flowed towards the drains on the floors around the dock. Since both teams had basically matching outfits, it was hard to pick which agents were theirs or X's. The whole X team was hiding behind a shipping container and every so often an agent or two would appear and let off a round of strong firepower then disappear again. Levi tapped his earpiece, 'Gazza, get Huntsman on the line.'

'Done, Devil,' Gazza replied.

'Huntsman, do you copy?' Levi asked.

'Loud and clear, Devil. Where are you?'

'At the base door, we need to get Angel and Fiddler to an ambulance.'

'I'll send some to cover the door and get them out.'

'Five of us will have to leave. Spider and Matte will take the unconscious two. We have to get Satan into a pair of handcuffs when he regains consciousness. Fiddler can jog but too much movement around the gut area will be painful for him.'

'Three are moving, how many are there leftover in your team?'


'We can work with that, I think there's only a few X agents behind that container and we'll soon flush 'em out.'

'I see your three, Devil out.' Levi watched the three figures make their way through the shadows until they were behind a crate next to the door. A woman nodded at him and he turned to tell his team what was going to happen. 'You five,' he pointed at Matthew, Sam, Jake, Theodore and Piper, 'will be leaving under the cover provided by our three agents just outside the door. David, Scarlett and I will stay behind and help out the Huntsman Team. When I nod to the three, you need to leave as soon as they start shooting.'

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