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Hope you'll enjoy!☺️

Cal was convinced he was going to fall asleep right there and then. Why on earth did he let his father convince him that taking the 7 am lecture would be useful, he didn't know.

Yawning, he took out the monster energy drink from his bag. Despite knowing it's extremely unhealthy and basically a can full of liquid shit, it became a habit to drink one on every 7 am lecture.

Unfortunately, his fridge became filled with cans of monster energy in all colours of the rainbow. He had a liking to the red one, and had nearly choked when Maven called it cranberry flavoured.

It's about the colours, not the frigging flavours Mavey!

Like the chaotic siblings they are, they continued arguing for the next two hours or so, up until Thomas stole away Maven for a date. Thank god I'm spared from this, he laughed, pulling his boyfriend for a kiss Cal definitely didn't care to witness.

Another student fell into the chair next to him, snatching the monster drink from his hands right before it touched his lips.

She poured the entire can into her coffee, her brown eyes staring directly into his. She grabbed the cup in her free hand, the other tucking a brown lock behind her ear, displaying four colorful earrings.

"I'm going to die," she said, gulping the entire drink in a concerning speed.

"Thief," Cal says, chuckling.

The girl slammed the empty cup on the table, fighting the urge to laugh at his surprised yet amused expression.


Introduce yourself, for god's sake. "I'm Cal, by the way."

A soft smile tagged at his mouth, despite the other girl absolute rudeness.

She ignored his outstretched hand, instead turning to look at the teacher who finally arrived to the class, and already started drilling to them about the topics of today's lecture.

She glanced at him, returning the smile. "I'm Mare Barrow."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2020 ⏰

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