Birthday 🔥

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Wanted to write something for his birthday, only once a year....
Hope you'll enjoy 😄😄

Cal's pov:

I shut my eyes at the brightness outside, the sun reflecting from the snow. It takes me a moment to understand where I am.

In the Paradise Valley, in bed, in the cabin Mare and I go at this time of the year. Both our birthdays are included in those weeks. Though after her two last birthdays, her family asked us to stay in Ascendent for her 20th birthday. After spending her 18 birthday imprisoned, and 19 with me in the Valley, they want to celebrate together.

So we stay a week more, before heading back. Long enough after my birth date so no one will fuzz over it.

Speaking of, today is my birthday. Today, it's 22 years to when my late mother gave me birth.

I took time to get peace. With my mother's death, my father's. The friends I lost, allies. Shade as well, his funeral in about two weeks. People I knew, people I can only remember their faces.

And Maven. My last birthday was spent in this cabin. The one before, we were running away, hiding from him in the Notch. And now, I'm in this cabin, again, with Mare laying beside me. I tighten my grip, needing her close, making sure she's real.

Confirming we survived, we're together. We managed to push past the horrors we indured. At least I did. Moving on from what my brother did.... Was hard, difficult. And there were times I thought I'll never be able to move beyond the pain he caused, the hurt he inflicted. But time heal wounds, and though it will always remain, the memories don't bother me as much anymore.

And for a long time, seventeen and a half weeks, precisely, my nightmares had ceased to hunt me. The relief of being able to finally get a good night's rest is enormous. And relaxing. Going to sleep without having to fear the ghosts and monsters visiting my mind.

I turn my eyes to the window, the soft snow falling down. It's cold outside, more with every day passing toward the looming winter. We felt the brunt of the chilly storm yesterday.

In the middle of the night we woke up to a horribly frozen bedroom. Even I shivered with coldness. and Mare, ever the cuddly, warmth needy girlfriend kept tucking into me as if glued.

I wonder if when I'll try telling her she's cuddly she will spare my life, in the name of my birthday.

I stretch my arm, doing my best to not wake her. Yet, she's a warrior, and she moves at the slight movement, rolling onto her stomach, her face buried between the pillows. I don't dare move a muscle, not wanting to risk her temper in the morning. Birthday or not, I won't be exactly shocked if she'll scold me for waking her.

When it comes to her scoldings, I am torn between two moods. The first is utter terror, shame at it, and for whatever I done, which I would probably try to avoid doing repeatedly.

The second is pure amusement at the sight of her frown, the way she looks me up and down despite her shortness. I would never tell her that, either. Not while I don't wish for anybody to collect my charred ashes.

Right when I believe she had fallen back asleep, Mare groans so loud I jolt, sitting straight up. The blanket moves with me, exposing her back to the cold. She Squeals, scrambling to get back into the cocoon of warmth.

I laugh out loud, rubbing a hand down and up her back. She drawls, laying her head in my lap, covering herself once again. I chuckle. Cuddly baby.

Suddenly her eyes open, and snap to mine. "What day is it?" She asks. I grin at her, taking my time to respond. "If you're asking If today's my birthday, then it is."

Mare runs her hand through her purple tipped hair, sighing. "Shit." She murmurs under her breath. "I wanted to get up before you do, and maybe..." She trails of, a look of disappointment on her face. At herself, not me.

I kiss her, running soothing circles down her back. I smile at her. "You don't have to do anything for me. Your very existence is enough for me." Mare blushes, trying to hide her embarrassed smile with her hands. I pull them away, pressing a my lips to hers once more.

She grins at me, and it's a real effort to pull away. "I'll take a shower, you can use that time to do... Whatever you wanted." I shrug. She returns the gesture. "As if," she says, "get in the shower before you?" We stare at each other intensely, smirks lifting both our mouths.

Then she launches toward the bathroom door, which is closer to her. I grab her waist, both my arms wrapping around her, before very gracefully tossing my girlfriend on the the bed.

I bolt to the bathroom, but she grabs the back of my shirt, yanking me back. to save the shirt, I halt, and the she-devil runs the distance into the bathroom.

I stalk toward, but she gets behind her, sticking her tongue out at me. I laugh. "Very mature Mare." She just sticks her tongue out again, and slams the door to my face.

The water starts running, the bath filling. I turn around, tiding the bed, and putting our belongings back in place. The wind knock against our window, stronger than it was a few minutes ago. Staying home, I guess. Though I can never know for sure with the girl I'm with.

I head toward the door, before the bathroom's opens. Mare peers at me from inside, her hair splaying in a display of colours. "Don't go down yet." She says. I smirk, and she rolls her eyes. "Also..." She adds, smiling flirtatiously. "Could you warm up the bath?" I laugh, tucking my hands into my pockets.

I walk in, putting my hands in the drawn bath. I grimace at the coldness, feeling my my fingers losing sensation. No wonder she needed me to warm it up. It's basically ice. Twirling my hands, I push heat into the water, until steam flows up from the bathtub, fogging the window and door.

I wipe my wet hands in a towel, trying to not seem as flushed as I feel after she kisses. "Thanks." She says. I bob my head, heading back to the bedroom.

"Is there something I should do?" I ask. She shrugs, smiling at me. Slowly, I close the door behind me, making sure she sees my wink.


After finishing dinner, (excuse me for the massive time-jump) Mare goes to the kitchen, opening the fridge. "What's the point in a fridge if it's as frozen inside it as it is outside?" I say, cleaning the table of any remaining crumbs.

I hear her laugh as she comes back to the dining table, a small cake in her hands. "Because," she says, "with you, a damn human furnace, I need to keep the food in cooling inside unless I intend to stow it outside, where the wolves will also get their share."

I shudder, disgust showing on my face. "Please do not remind me of the wolves." I plead to her. She only smirks. Placing the cake in front of me, she kisses my cheek. "Happy birthday, my number one matchstick." She whispers.

I grin at her. Grabbing her hand, I give her fingers a squeeze, before she laces our fingers. "Make a wish." Mare says.

I close my eyes. Honestly, I don't know what to wish for. I'm content, happy with my life. I wish my life will only get better from now on. I think in my head. No masks, no nightmares, no monsters.

I blow out the candle. Pretty stupid, considering I can kill the flame with half a thought. Yet, I grin, embracing Mare. She pulls back, cupping my face. "I love you." She says, her gaze soft.

I grin at her, happiness wild in my chest. I wish we will always love each other as much as now. I think, before we slice the cake, eating and laughing through the evening.

Such a fluff! I ruin my own feeling *groan*. I love this, yet I feel it was way too serious, so like always, this will have a continuation.
So will the MareCal Texting, though it's mostly set in a group without Mare.🔥❤️

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