Glass Sword

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*everything here happens some point on Glass Sword. Enjoy!!😄

The blackrun argument:

Cal: Don't blame killing them on your brother! You're the one who got him killed!
Mare: You know what? I'll kill your brother, and then we'll be equal.
*Starts to Walk away*
Cal: Mare...
Mare: ......
Cal: Mare!!
Mare: *While laughing* equality baby!! Let's see you after that!

Mare: *crying alone on the floor*
Cal: *embrace her while rubbing her back*
Mare: *screaming* what are you doing?!
Cal: it's called comforting. It's meant to make you feel better.
Mare: how does silently staring at me is supposed to make me feel better?
Cal: not the staring....
Mare: *confused* so.....
Cal: *sighs*
Cal: *hugs her*
*Twenty minutes later*
Cal: Mare? How are you?
Cal: Mare?
Mare: *snoring*
Cal: I'm shocked she fell asleep.

Cal: hey Mare.
Mare: * screams and faints*
Shade: *jumps with Nanny*
Cal: Shade what happened?
Shade: *angrily glaring at Nanny*
Cal: Nanny?
Nanny: I thought showing up as Elara was funny...
Cal: just Elara?
Nanny: and the late king.
Shade: and?
Nanny: and Maven...
Cal: Nanny!!
Nanny: don't you get on me young man! You're lucky your girlfriend didn't kill me or I would've had to come back and teach her a lesson!

Farley: no. Absolutely not.
Shade: forget it.
Kilorn: never in this world.
Cal: no way.
Mare: fine I'll do it myself!
Mare: *almost gets killed on her dangerous mission, gets saved last minute from Cal*
Cal: so you'll listen to me next time so you won't nearly bleed to death?
Mare: *snorts and laugh*
Mare: hell no!!

So how was your second day at school? I know mine was boring😂😌

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