I Do part 2

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Sorry for not updating in so long!
I was sick, then the app kept deleting whatever I wrote! And of course there's pressure in school. But I have a few one-shots ready to release, and I'll post more often.
Hope you'll enjoy it!😄😊

P.s. it's connected to the extremely short I Do, so read it, just so you'll understand.

It felt like a blow to her stomach. He didn't like her? He kissed her while she was betrothed to Maven, and now he doesn't care anymore? Does he regrets it? Was I simply an object to him? Someone other than Evangeline he could play?

She pushed those thoughts away. Mare knew Calore's were trouble, but she still couldn't help the sting of tears in her eyes.

"You don't like me?" She asked. her voice sounded pathetic to her. A foolish girl begging for love from a prince. It seems to only work in fairy tales. Reality was harsher, and much less sweet and loving.

He nods, eyes downcast. He tries to look apologetic, though he's trying his best to not laugh out loud at her wounded puppy expression. Mare always says that after they fight he looks like a child forced to clean his room. So now Cal has his own little payback. But as he looks at her hurt face his fake sadness became real.

Cal cursed himself inwardly for thinking this will be amusing. Playing with her emotions isn't funny, He scolded himself. He can't meet her gaze in shame, not noticing the tears strolling down her face in heartache.

As Mare turns around to leave, he grabs her wrist. "Mare".
"Yes?" She replies with a shaky voice.
He drew a long breath, collecting a fragment of bravery. "I love you."
Cal said, finally meeting her gaze. She was unreadable, brown irises staring into his bronze eyes, devoid of emotion.

Whilst Cal internally panics from her silence, Mare can barely register what he said. But before her own own conffection, she need vengeance. So slowly, with agility, she grabs a pillow from the couch behind her. She adjust her holding.

Then, with no warning whats-so-ever, she smacks the pillow down on his head. Hard. So hard that he barely manages to catch himself from falling to the hard, unlaminate floor.

As they fight, there's howling laughter from the windows and door. The gang of friends and siblings stands there, cackling at the prince beaten by his lover.

They still chuckle even after hours pass.

They cheer, smiling at their love conffetions and fluffy, romantic conversation.

They turn away in disgust as the sweet mood turns into something a little hotter, and passionate.

Their friends walked into their houses, thinking about how best to tease them tomorrow, when Cal and Mare will hopefully manage to keep themselves apart long enough to get offended.

All the while her siblings argued with each other about telling their parents, Ruth and Daniel, about their sister's little adventure with Cal.

Cal relished in the feeling of her, her body, the knowledge of her love and his complete and utter control over every piece of herself and her heart.

And Mare? Who do you think talked Kilorn to convince Cal into pranking her?

She got exactly what she wanted. That fire prince might not be the smartest, but he definitely was the best for her.

And he was only hers.

So, I never wrote anything like this before. If you want a dialogue between the two, I'll post it tomorrow, probably.
If you have any request, please comment. The next one will either be part 3 to this, a Capture the Flag one-shot, or first kiss part 2 (maybe just everyone reactions with a short dialogue, because it's getting frustrating to write).
If you have preference, say so I'll know what to work on.

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