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What if Cal did come to Shade's funeral?
Hope you'll enjoy 🙃

Mare's pov:

The cold wind pricks my bare skin, leaving me numb. Farley's words too. The sight of the upturned dirt covering Shade's dead body.

No one is left. Kilorn went to continue his day. Farley left after our conversation. My family disbanded first, neither wanting to stay long. Tramy and Bree needed to pack, since they volunteered to come with us to the Choke. I hope I won't lead another sibling to the death.

My sister will probably busy herself with crooked sewing, trying to fool herself to thinking we're all still in the stilts, depending on her. But it wouldn't work for her. Not for talented Gisa.

Those times seem so sweet now, comparing to the horrors of now. But I didn't know my luck then, to have a family. Mine's splintered, broken by the loss of a family member much more important than I am.

But my family is better than the one the man leaning against a tree behind me has.

Cal hadn't stepped forward. He didn't talk to me. But he watched, giving my brother some last shred of respect. Knowing Cal, he must be exhausted, but he wouldn't go and rest until hell confirm the children at the Notch are safe and well.

I turn around, filled of looking at Shade's grave. I nearly bump to him, his warm halo indicating of his distance. The small, rather distance at the moment.

Cal offers his hand. His face are grim, his posture tense. I evoid looking into his eyes, staring at the outstretched hand. I hesitate enough for him to draw back. But he doesn't, giving me a time to the choice of whether to place my hand in his.

I do.

His arms gently wrap around my back, not wanting to scare me of yet. We have so much tension. The things he said, the things I've done. It sits, weighting my heart down.

I ignore it for now. He presses my head into his chest, slowly rubbing my back. I close my eyes, trying to be blind to the world. Of course it doesn't work. But it helps.

"I shouldn't have said things that way," Cal says. His voice is deep, sending shivers down my spine. I blink rapidly, refusing to cry on the shoulder of the man who called me a monster.

Stepping away, my hand lingers on his chest. His stays on my lower back. I don't want to go, but there are things I need to do.

Our hands drop to our sides, a pained remoteness settling between us. The wind blows, accentuating the coldness.

I wish I could press myself to him, regaining the lost warmth of a few minutes ago, of the nights we spent curled together, attempting to find comfort in each other's embrace.

Instead, I turn and walk away. I feel his footsteps, but they aren't headed towards me.


I run into the plane, blocking the sight of my parents and sister's mournful expressions.

I stand in place as the ramp closes behind me, detaching me from the family members left on this island. Alive, and dead.

I breathe deep, focusing on the present. Two small, minor choices. To sit with the soldiers; or sit in my chair, next to the silver pilot.

We still have something to save, my heart urges, pulling me to Cal.

Our fingers intertwine, and we simply sit together, letting the activity swirl around us.

"I'm sorry," I choke, looking down.

He brings my hand to his lips, kissing the back of my palm. "I'm sorry too."

Cal looks me over, as if reassessing the person I've become. I try to do the same. To see him as what he is now; a hurt boy, trying hard to relearn his morals and believes. To fit into this life.

His bronze eyes are so dull and worn, so broken, that Mare couldn't help herself from wrapping him tightly in her arms, letting Cal lean on her this time.

The plane was awfully quiet, low murmurs barely audible. None wanted to interrupt the couple's exchange.

They broke away quickly though, returning to the task at hand.

Once the plane needn't both Cal's hands on the weel, he was free to hold Mare's hand for the rest of the fight.

Unfortunately, Mare didn't get to hold Cal's hand for the following six months.

Finally. I'm so glad to have posted it.

This is the angst we all deserve. Personally, I didn't really think the fight in GS was fitting. And it would've been fine if it was talked or mentioned more. It could've been a great fluff/angst!

Still writing!😊

Red Queen One-ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora