First Kiss 2

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This one is the reactions to First Kiss, so read it before.
I'll write a part 3, which will have Evangeline pov, probably.



shoves Mare from his lap to the floor

heating up the room

being a little jealous baby


Cursing Kilorn inwardly (cause he's to much of a cinnamon roll to truly hurt anyone)

Blaming Mare for lying

A fight with Mare while he's so upset
and she's trying so hard not to laugh

A wounded puppy expression


Knowing it's a lie because he's a stalcker and Samson told him

Teasing Cal

Asking annoying questions to reavel Mare and Kilorn's lie

Smirks through it all

Only shuts up when told he's done a lot
worse than just heating up a room (like,  you know, murder)


Really confused

Asks when it was

Insulted she didn't told him

Eventually shrugging it off

Trying to calm Cal down

Yelling at Cal for throwing Mare to the floor

Laughing his ass off at Cal throwing Mare to the floor

Also teasing Cal


A bit surprised but doesn't give a f**k

Teasing Mare about literally kissing every boy in this circle
"What now? You're going to kiss all the girls too?"

Cackling at Cal's expression

Making Cal feel worse about everything, not necessarily Mare

Shrugs at Kilorn's asking if she's bothered


Doesn't believe them

Laughs at them both

Asking overly specificall questions so they'll slip

Enjoys Cal's jealous ass and Mare's poor explanations

Having a great time



Doesn't meddle

Not quite believing them



Proud of her jealous fluffy babies (don't we all?)

Laughs at Cal's stupidly

Waiting for the reveal and truce


Trying not to laugh

Tries making Mare say their kiss was the best

Mostly staying silent (because he knows he'll slip his tongue)


Doing her best to keep her face still

Strongly using everything she learned as Mareena on how to succeed in court

Answers all the questions (because Kilorn's sucks)

Eventually giving it away since she can't stand Cal's wounded puppy face anymore (it's amusing, but she doesn't want to hurt him)

After they find out:



Teasing Cal

Keep saying he knew all along

Only stops when being threaten to death by literally everyone in the room (very painful death)


Laughs at Cal

Tries not to show how embarrassed he is for believing their prank

Not sure if he's happy or not about it being false


Long story short, she'll never let Cal live it down


Feeling smug

Laughs at Cal for being a doofus

Laughs at Mare

Laughs at Kilorn

Laughs at them all for being idiots and believing anything that comes out of Mare's mouth.

Mare: "Excuse me..!!"
Farley: "You proved you can't be trusted Barrow!"
"I'm sorry I didn't meant to make you cry."
"Oh shit..."
"Can you comfort the girl Calore?!"
"Not you asshole, I meant Cal!"
"I don't care that she pranked you, get off your ass and support your girlfriend!"


Knew it all along, so doesn't do much

Surprisingly supports Cal

Laughs with Kilorn and Mare


For once, she laughs her ass off


Throwing Mare on the floor again

Relieved it's false

Happy to know he was her first

Doing his best to ignore everyone's jabs on him being a possessive ass

Apologizing for calling Mare a liar

Completely and utterly embarrassed


On the floor laughing

Complaining he can't breathe

Face completely red

Runs away from Cal (save the fish boy's face!)


On the floor laughing (because Cal threw her down)

Complains her face hurts from laughing

Points out them all idiots

Getting fake offended so Cal will move on (Farley's conversation)




Comforting Cal later on 😉

Hope you liked it! I know it's a little weak, but I need it for part 3.
What do you want next, First Kiss 3, Capture the Flag 2, or a new light one-shot?

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