On The Plane

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Mare's pov:
I grumble as I slowly roll on my back, and glare at the bronze eyed intruder. Cal doesn't pay attention to my complains and starts getting me up. By that, I mean he's taking me by my waist and forces me up. I lean on him as I get a little lightheaded.
He notice and let me lean on him for a bit. I gaze out of the window and frown. It's night, and the sky is pitch black. I get dressed, ignoring his gentle mumbling. Until I'm brought back by Cal's voice.
"We need to be on the plane in thirty minutes. So if you got anything you want to grab, take it with you."
I grin, already ready, and grab the collar of his shirt to take him with me.
"I grabbed my belongings. Got anything else?" I go with the most innocent voice I can master at three in the morning. He laugh and firmly place an arm around my waist. His smile makes me blush.
"Got everything, my lady." He winks. Trying to cover my embarrassment, I slap his arm. "Don't call me 'my lady'. You say it again, and I'll call you sparky."
"You go with that more then I do."
"No I don't."
"Yes you do. My flames are bigger than just sparks. You on the other hand..." He trails, the mouth of his corner lifting. By the time we finish our spat, we reach the plane.
I notice Anabel Lerolan going into the other plane, her head hanging low. A queen brought down. But that's not my interest at this time of the morning.
I walk up the ramp, entering into a metal box full of snores it almost makes my head hurts.
The loudest one is Kilorn, obviously. Farley sits across from him next to him, snoring her fear of flying away.
I smirk at Cameron leaning her head on Kilorn shoulder. It takes a lot from me not to go over and nag him about it.
I strap my seatbelt along my shoulder. I feel Cal's heat next to me, and fight to not doze off.

I'm going too change the way I write so it will be easier. It'll just be a conversation they had.

Cal: You should sleep. You're still in recovery from your wound.
Mare: I don't want to sleep.
Cal: Why? You look like a mess.
Mare: Thank you Cal. So nice of you.
Cal: *pailing* I didn't mean it, you're the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. In person. Well not just in person- also not. I just meant- well, you could use some sleep.
Mare: I'm going to ignore all your blubbering and take it as a complement.
Cal: I wasn't blubbering I'm just tired.
Mare: Anyway, I had a plan of what to do on the plane.
Cal: What did you want to do?
Mare: I was planning to sleep.
Cal: Then why the hell-
Mare: Because.
Cal: What?
Mare: I just can.

Going back to Mare's pov:
He sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose. "Of course. Are you going to sleep or not?"
"Sure." I say snugging into his chest. He wraps his arms around my back, already making me tired.
"Besides," I continue, "How did you get the idea I don't wand to sleep?" I smile now.
His annoyed groan is the last sound I hear before I drift of.

*This is what happens after chapter four on my fanfic. I will continue the story after that.

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