Airport part 2

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I ended up finishing this a lot sooner then I expected.

Cal is in the airplane already, and Mare and Evangeline will soon be joining!
Maven is coming too!

Hope you'll enjoy!😃

Cal was seated next to the window, and busied himself with looking out the window at the workers tending to several planes and runways.

After twenty seconds, he gave that up and started downloading as much content as he could. It'll be a long flight from JFK airport to Rome. They're supposed to sleep most of it, but Cal doubted that'll happen.

He was still deep in his phone when someone laughed next to him. "You've got to be kidding me," Mare snickered.

Evangeline shaked her head as Mare slid into her seat between her and Cal, still chuckling.

Evangeline had nothing to do with that the three of them sat together. She did nothing!

Cal grinned, "is it that bad to sit next to me?" Mare rolled her eyes. "Where's Maven?" Evangeline muttered, cutting off their entranced stares.

"He's meant to be here soon. I didn't find him on the airport." Cal sttutered.

"I know Maven!" Mare exclaimed. Cal's jaw dropped, and Evangeline had to hold back some nasty curse words. That was the last thing he needed. For his crush to be dating his brother and making everything weird and awkward because their history can affect-

"Shit!" Mare swore as a notebook dropped next to him. Cal bent down and picked it up. He gave it back with a tight-lipped smile.

The notebook was worn, the cover smeared with purple colour and gray pencil scribbles.

"What do you draw?" Evangeline asked. Mare didn't respond, but she opened the sketchings notebook, flipping through the pages. It had drawings of skies, clouds and storms, volcanoes, and mostly wild events of nature.

Cal couldn't help but noticed she had a fetish for painting fires. The flames on the paper looked so real he was surprised heat didn't radiate from the paper.

He was disappointed though, as the paper was cool and dry.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please seat down and fasten your seatbelts. Well be taking off soon."

They followed the flight attendant instructions, and Mare tucked the drawings into the pocket in the seat in front of her.

As the plane rolled on, Cal noticed Mare was quite nervous. She breathed hard, in and out, and looked panicked.

"Are you okay?" Cal said over the noise of the engines. Mare glanced at him. "I've never flown before," she admitted.

Cal offered her his hand. Her eyes went round, a blush creeping up her cheeks. He wondered if it means she likes him, or she's just surprised by the proposition.

Mare grabbed his hand, squeezing it. Evangeline was propping a pillow around her neck, already falling asleep. She looked like a princess. A deadly, strong princess.

The plane was already airborne, but neither let go. Even when the unbuckled their seatbelts, their fingers remained laced with each other's.


"Can you draw me?" Evangeline requested.

Mare sighed. It's been 7 hours, and they were scheduled to land in an hour and fifteen minutes. She needed to get out of the plane. It wasn't that Cal and Evangeline were bad to sit next to. They were great. Especially Cal, with his crooked smile and the way he held her hand throughout the flight....

It was just that she didn't like compacted places. It reminded her of that time she got locked, and now she could feel the walls closing in...

Mare, breath. Now is not the time for a panic attack.

"I'm not the best at capturing people's faces," she warned, then shrugged. "But I can try."

And Mare set off to work. Cal couldn't help but peak, and when he did he had to bite his lip to keep from laughing.

She drew a stick figure, and somehow managed to make her seem like she's smirking. A crown was on stick-figure-Evangeline, and the crown itself was pretty good. The crown Cal saw In Mare's notebook was splattered with blood.

After of few minutes of total pretend, Mare gave Evangeline the splendid drawing.

She scowled, and threw the paper right back at her. "I think it looks like you, Evangeline." Cal teased.

He got smacked in a head.

Cal looked at Mare's handwork again and chuckled. "I need to have that," he snickered.

"You can get it," Mare shrugged. She scribbled something on the paper before ripping the page out of the sketch notebook, folding it and handing it to him.

Cal blushed, because he only half-meant that. But he chatted away the remaining hour with Mare.


After setting in his room, and unpacking his suitcase, Cal took out the silly drawing Mare made earlier.

He then noticed a phone number written on the corner.

Since I'm sure you'll want me to draw you too, here's my phone number.


I ship it!
I just had this crazy hour full of writing. It was fun!

Please tell me if you want AU3, or the prompts of Shot (and know if Mare died or not). And obviously, you can give me any prompt you want!😊

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