"Take a seat," Hotch commanded. So you did, right next to Spencer. You refused to look at him, because you were wary of what you would find on his face if you did.

"I'm going to keep this brief. What the two of you do outside of work is not any of my business. But the moment that it interrupts a case or becomes a distraction, I expect it to be dealt with appropriately. If I have to separate you, I will. And though I would hate to lose a member of this team, I will not hesitate to make that call if it's in everybody else's best interests. Is that understood?"

"Yes, sir," you replied.

"I understand," Spencer mumbled.

"I will not be having this conversation again. This is your one and only warning. Is there anything either of you would like to add?"

If you wanted out, now was your chance. You could feel Spencer's gaze on you, knew that Hotch was waiting for something, if anything, to come out of someone's mouth. And then the moment had passed.

"Dr. Reid, if you don't mind leaving us. We have a few more things to discuss."

Your stomach twisted. You didn't want to be alone with Hotch, not after that.

"Okay," Spencer said quickly, and then he was up and on his way out. He had been nervous, you could tell by how he walked and the way his leg had been bouncing in his chair. Now it was just you and Hotch. He waited until the door was completely closed before he turned to you.

"Disobeying my direct orders and flying out of state during a time when our security is this sensitive is extremely reckless. When this is all over, we'll be having another discussion on how we're going to handle the repercussions of that situation. Agreed?"

"Yes, sir."

"Under normal circumstances, considering your behavior over this past week, I wouldn't allow you to work this case or even come into the office," he started. "I wouldn't ask this of you if I didn't think it was important. Malcolm has refused to speak to any of us, and said he only wants to talk to you or Emily. However, Emily isn't available, which means you are our only option. I understand if you're not comfortable with this, and nobody would judge you if you said no. I would just like to extend that offer to you."

"I'll do it."

"I understand your eagerness to help, but I would prefer it if you took some time to think about it before you outright agree. I want to make sure that it is a safe decision for you to make."

"Every second that we don't do something is another second that we're all in danger. I'll do it," you stated firmly.

"Alright," Hotch resigned. "When would you like to start?"

"Now is fine."


You had refused to let anyone else in the room with you. If Malcolm only wanted you, then that's what he was going to get. You and Spencer stood alone outside of the interrogation room while you took a few deep breaths, trying to steel yourself for whatever was about to come.

"You don't have to do this, you know."

"Yes, I know, and yes, I do," you replied.

"I'll be on the other side of the glass."

"I know."

"Don't be afraid to leave if-"


He stopped.

"I can do this," you assured him.

"You just got back yesterday, what if you're not ready yet?"

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