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They never tell you in tv shows how sometimes patients in the hospital, without warning, just wake up. There is no hearing the voices of your family and friends around you or slowly opening your eyes to see the bright lights. One second you were unconscious, and the next your eyes snapped open and you were awake.

You didn't know where you were. It was just a plain room. Your first thought was to panic and get out of bed to try to assess the situation, figure out what was going on. It hurt to even breathe, as if your expanding lungs were too big for your chest. You tried to turn on your left side to sit up, and a flare of pain went through the opposite side of your body. You gasped.

"Whoa whoa whoa! Don't get up!"

You froze and looked towards the door. Spencer rushed in and set a cup of whatever in his hand down on the table beside you before leaning over you, hands hovering over your body as if trying to decide if he should touch you or not. He had a butterfly bandage below one eye, and little cuts and bruises on other parts of his face. The generic room, the paper cup, the bandages... you were in a hospital.

"You need to lay back down, you can't be up right now."

You looked up at him in confusion. You knew that any movement, even breathing, would cause you pain. That much was clear. What else did he know that you didn't? What had happened?

"Here, let me just... we're gonna guide you back down, okay?" You nodded cautiously and he placed his hand lightly on your right hip, on the side that was in pain.

"Just lean back down in 3... 2... 1..."

You let out a whimper of pain as he helped you back down onto the mattress. You grit your teeth, trying not to show any weakness even as tears pricked your eyes. You couldn't describe it other than this sharp pain that radiated from your very core, near your belly button. You were breathing heavily, trying not to cry as he pulled his warm hands away from your skin.

"Spencer, what... what happened?" Your voice broke as you spoke. God, it hurt so bad.

"Here, let me get the doctor. I think you need more painkillers." You reached out to grab at his wrist as he pressed the call light, only realizing then that there were tubes stuck into your arm.


He looked back at you, brows furrowed and biting his lip the way he did when he was trying really hard to think. After looking at you for a moment, he finally spoke.

"What do you last remember?" he asked.

You frowned and tried to think back. It was all really, really fuzzy. The pain kept distracting you, keeping you in the present rather than the past.


You looked up at Spencer. He sat down and took your hand in both of his.

"Close your eyes and just try to go back to the last thing that's clear in your head."

You nodded and closed your eyes, focusing on how his strong hands held yours, trying to remember.

"The team... we were going to the... warehouse? And we were looking at maps in the car."

"Yes," he coaxed. You opened your eyes and he shook his head at you. "Close your eyes. Think a little bit more."

"We went in and... we all split up. And then it was me and you. I went through the door and I heard you but it wasn't you and-"


"And then it goes black," you whispered. You were scared, alone in that darkness. What had really happened? Did you get shot? What had happened to Spencer? You opened your eyes to look at him. Was that... pity? It honestly made you kinda mad. You weren't a victim, you had just been in the wrong place at the wrong time. Occupational hazard.

Annoyance (Spencer Reid x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now