Requested | Insecure (💔)

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Requested by Frizzymations

Warnings: Whole angst, a tear jerker, fluff in the end
Word Count: 1,159

(Play the song when you see the sign!)


The arc reactor.

A symbol of the superhero, Iron Man. But a curse for the person who belongs to it. Tony never liked it being it in his chest. He felt that if he has a heart like that, he would have no feelings. He was afraid that you, his girlfriend would never like about it. He tapped on it, that explained it was hard. Like his feelings, as he felt. You in real, never cared about whatever he had, you still loved him no matter what.

But, his insecurities never finished. He still felt that it was a curse. The arc reactor, who was also the reason for his survival. He would have died right away in Afghanistan if the electromagnet wouldn't have prevented the shrapnel to reach his heart. His new heart was making him survive. But, the moment those words fill his head:

"You have no feelings, even with that new heart you have no right to live. You were meant to die anyway."

His eyes filled with the heaviest tears it can handle, as they quickly stream through his cheeks. He sniffed, as he curled on his bed, clenching the blanket tightly. He couldn't even scream while crying, because he didn't wanted you to know he was in pain.

He was afraid. He was insecure.

Time passed, and he stopped eating anything. You were noticing his growing habit, and requested him to eat something because it was not good for him to stay empty. He refused and walked to his room. You worried about him, he was not feeling okay. You wanted to investigate some things to find out his issue, but first, you tried to convince him to eat his food.

"Tony, please open the door! I know you're feeling rough but, at least eat something!"

"No, Y/N.. I'm not hungry." He said in a very hoarse yet desperate voice.

"What's wrong with you? You haven't been looking so well in these past days, why won't you tell me anything? I'm here for you!"

"That's not your issue, Y/N.. it's my problem and I'll solve it no matter what."

You didn't gave up. You really wanted to know what happened to him. There was something in your mind that Tony felt very sad about. You tried to ask JARVIS about what could have been the matter.

"JARVIS.. what's wrong with Tony? Can.. can you tell me?"

".. Sir has been feeling very insecure about himself, Miss Y/N.."

".. i-insecure..?"

"Yes, Miss. He is currently in a state of regret that he has no feelings or emotions."

"What? B-but, why does he think like that?"

"He also feels you won't be ready to listen to his feelings. So he never told you his problems."

"Huh? I-is he crazy?! When did I told that I don't care about him, JARVIS? I love him! He gave me a life, you know that!"

"But, Miss.. you don't understand.. Mr. Stark has been constantly trying to remove his arc reactor. Due to the fact, he thinks it's a curse for him. Back in Afghanistan, when he was kidnapped, he was saved by the artificial heart he was provided with. After that, Mr. Stark might have changed but.. he felt he could stop feeling for everyone he loved dearly. He never even want that to happen."

"Did he.. s-say that?" Your voice cracked.

"Unfortunately.. yes, Miss Y/N.. he even said.. that he was meant to die this whole time. He shouldn't have-"

"JARVIS stop that." Your voice raised when you stopped his AI from speaking. Your eyes filled with tears too. You couldn't believe it. Tony could think such like that? You know he was your life and without him you were incomplete. You were the reason his life changed, and now he was calling his life a curse? He never told you anything about it, because he was afraid?

That you would make fun of him?

.. (play the song here)

You had zero patience, and quickly stormed in the room, where he tried taking out his arc reactor again, and his surface started bleeding. You rushed and threw away the knife from him and hugged him tightly.

"Tony, the fuck you were trying to do?! Have you gone insane?!" You cried, as tears still fell down your cheeks.

"Leave me Y/N.. you deserve someone else.. not like a heartless monster like me. You don't deserve me.. you don't.." He smiled, in regret.

".. you are a goddamn idiot, Stark. You are!" You slapped him. "You know I would never let you leave in such pain, you know that?"

"But.. you deserved a boy who can understand you, right? And I can't. You know why? I have no heart. I'm just surviving by an artificial one. Just remove it for me, Y/N.. I was meant to die anyway."

Your heart broke more and more, when he said those depressive words in your ears. You felt to breakdown in tears and help him in his problem.

"I'll be your boy, in the another life, baby. Trust me, it won't take long for me to come back and I-"

"SHUT UP, JUST SHUT UP!" You shouted while you wailed in your tears. Losing Tony was your huge nightmare, and you cannot let it happen. "Tony.. I-I can't l-live without you.. y-you think I would not.. not listen to you? D-don't I love you? Don't I deserve you? Rather you think of yourself that the world doesn't..?" You wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him close to peck his lips many times. You even kissed his neck and face many times and hugged him tightly with love.

"Just tell me if you feel so insecure, Tony.. you have a heart. Trust me. You are not a monster.. have you ever thought if you would die.. what would I do? Would I still live? Just take me along you and we will live happy there together-"

"Stop!" He pulled off in shock. "Don't say that.. I want you to live.."

"Then live for me. You know we will be there together, and start a new life together. We won't be seperated Tony.. we'll be one. We both are meant for each other.. you should know that."

Tony realised his mistake. Whatever he was doing was stupid after all. What would you do, when he would have sacrificed his life, because of his own insecurity? He looked at you with his teary eyes.

"I'm sorry Y/N.. I-I was scared-" His voice cracked and stopped the moment your lips touched his with love and affection, and hugged him back.

"No need to be, cause I'm here for your forever."

After some moments, Tony finally smiled heartily, and hugged him back.

"Thank you Y/N.. I feel.. I do have feelings."

And after that, Tony's insecurities were gone. Thanks to her supportive girlfriend, which is you.

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