I'll Take Care Of You - Part 1 (💔)

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Note: This story will be in parts!

Warnings: Angst in the beginning, but all fluff in the end

Extra warning: Tony's gonna be super cute in this 🥺👉🏻👈🏻💖✨

Word Count: 1,574

Y/BF/N — Your Boyfriend Name

You were in a bar, feeling exhausted and depressed. You were even drinking a lot this time. The reason why this day was one of the worst moments of your life was because your ex cheated over you. You caught him sleeping with another woman itself. You never felt so betrayed yet upset at the man whom you trusted and loved so much.

You protested by shouting over him, feeling all the hatred filling your soul. "Why did you do this to me? I thought you loved me!" You cried, letting out all those tears.

"I was tired of you, babe. So I decided to have fun with another." He smirked darkly, wrapping his arms around the woman.

".. I knew it. You were actually tired of me right?" You storm towards the cupboard, picking up the suitcase and took all your clothes, stuffing it in the bag. After packing up everything, you face him. "Then fine. Enjoy your new life, Y/BF/N." You prepared to leave but your ex stopped you for something.

"Close the door before you go.. ex-girlfriend." He chuckled, as you slam the door shut, walking out the house while you keep on shedding tears, stepping in your car and leaving your home forever.

You were now homeless. You didn't even had a place to stay, since your ex now claimed it as his. Along with his new girlfriend bitch.

You really felt like to slap him, but you felt doing that won't even solve anything. It was all over for you, and you broke down in real tears, crying over the table. Your eyes were puffy and dark from crying, ruining your beautiful face. You tried wiping off your tears, but they won't stop. Suddenly, you felt someone's hands, which rubbed your skin to remove the tears. You wondered who it could have been, and when you did.. you only saw that one man who was one other than..

Tony Stark?

You gasped slightly, backing off in utter surprise. He looked worried, as he handed you his handkerchief. You took it and wiped off your wet eyes and cheeks, which made your face more clear but the eyes were still red from crying.

"Hey.." He gave you a gentle smile, looking at you with his chocolate brown eyes. "What's wrong, love? You seem a bit down."

You knew who was he. The legendary Iron Man, who probably saved the World with the Avengers because of his efforts. The billionaire genius. You never believed that, maybe once in your life you will meet a person like him. He seemed more compassionate in front of you, instead of his way to allure women in his presence. He was keen to know what's wrong you, since you weren't feeling so well.

".. I.. I am alright." You sniffed. "Just a little rain cloud."

Tony chuckled. "Love, that rain cloud seemed to be growing a storm, that you're not able to stop crying. Should I offer you a drink to make you feel better?"

"Sure, thank you." You nodded, as Tony asked the bartender to hand you a glass of scotch, one of his favorite drinks. He clacked his glass with yours, taking a sip of it but right now you didn't feel to drink it in an instant, since you were drowned in your pain.

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