A Reality | Part 4

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🚨 Note: This story is HEAVILY based on the series "WandaVision", so before you read this, it contains a lot of spoilers, so skip this chapter if you don't wish to be spoiled! And yes, this story will be in parts! So I hope you enjoy and, keep noticing the details!

Summary: Part 4 of "A Reality"

Warnings: Can angst count again? But, also a glimpse of how Tony got his powers.


Before the start of this story, an advertisement begins.

Creating a lot of a mistakes in your life? That people have also started to hate you? Do you want a chance to lessen them once at for all?

Try out, the Jericho! A way of removing your mistakes in the push of a button! It also helps you to change your mind, and start a new life finally in a place of joy.

Reversing your mistakes and bringing back what you left.

The Jericho, be mentally healthy.


Whatever happened to Tony in the real world, it kind of haunted him now. Each and every horrific moment he spent out his made up reality was suddenly crippling him inside. Tony was inside his room, trying to cope up with everything that happened to him lately. Not to his surprise, he got up from his bed, and used his levitating powers and with every object in the room, it whirled around him, breathing heavily while the memories hit him hard.

"Did you know?"

The betrayal.

"Pep.. did you..?"
"I don't find you interesting anymore, Tony. Find someone else for your size!"

The rejection.

"Howard and Maria Stark died in a car accident in Long Island, New York, by a mysterious presence still need to be investigated."

The abandonment.

"You just fight for yourself."

The mistake.

"You were born to be a Wizard. The Scarlet Wizard. The mind stone has given you ultimate powers superior than any other being! It makes you special!"

"Special? More like.. a curse."

The realisation.

All these voices of others calling him a monster, a murderer, worthless and a villain. Tony could have screamed it all but he just caged it inside his heart. Hoping that it won't burst out, he focused of forgetting the past and better to live in his created reality.

He thought of taking a walk outside, where he didn't actually say anything to his mother that he was leaving for a while. He just stepped outside for a bit till the moment things went worse. The reality was slowly crippling apart. He couldn't understand anything that why would it be happening, but now he started to see others gaining back their memory. He looked in terror, while the neighbour, Ms. Smokey approached the engineer and looked at him in pain.

Tony Stark ImaginesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon