Just a cool thought I had..

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I saw a reel with the audio like in the imagine so I thought what if I tried it on Tony, lmfao <3

"Tony, please.. don't do this! We don't want to hurt you!" Steve begged for Tony, as the Superior Iron Man to stop, while he was in his broken state, trying to wrap the symbiotic armor around his body while the Avengers watched him almost defeated after a long battle. Steve wanted to end this for all after all the mess they've gone through..

But it didn't seem like he actually was ready to make amends.

"Hurt me?" Tony glared at Steve, while he coughed. "Hurt me?!"

Tony growled and the rage inside him suddenly made his armor to start wrapping around his body, solidifying as he started to levitate in the air with his feet thrusters. The remains of the suit floated in the air with him, with Stark's deadly rage as the symbiote vibrated and grew in size, making him look more dangerous than ever. Tony cried out loud, with his eyes glowing blue, and tears streamed down his cheeks.

"You will never hurt me AGAIN!"

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